Are Pig Ears Safe for Dogs

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Are pig ears safe for dogs? When I was looking into the best type of chew treats to give my dog, I wondered if pig ears were on the list. So, I did some research to see if pig ears were safe to give my friendly canine. 

So, are pig ears safe for dogs? No, pig ears are not fully safe for your dogs. Not only can they cause upset tummies, but it is common for them to be sources of bacterial growth. They also have the potential to become choking hazards and can lead to digestive problems for your animals.

Many people who feed their dog’s pig ears may not be aware of the risks pig ear consumption can come with. Giving your dog something to chew on can have many perks, but if it’s a pig ear, there are more health risks than benefits for both you and your animal.

Are pig ears safe for dogs to chew on?

Dangers of Pig Ears

Pig ears may keep your dog entertained for hours, but it comes with some serious health risks and consequences.

If you have been considering feeding your dog pig ears, you may want to think twice. Pig ears can cause:

  • Obesity with their high-fat content
  • Obstructions in the digestive tract and esophagus
  • Upset stomachs resulting in diarrhea and vomiting
  • Trace amounts of toxic chemicals
  • Bacterial contamination
  • The chance to infect humans with salmonella and/or E-coli

Benefits of Dog Chews

Dogs were born to chew, and there are positive aspects for both their mental and physical well-being by them doing so.

As babies, they chew on things when teething. As adults, they need to chew to keep their teeth clean, their chewing muscles strong, and their brains occupied. Providing your dog with the proper chew treats and toys is essential in keeping them healthy and happy.

Besides the physical and mental benefits that chew treats and toys can provide, there is also the social aspect. Dogs who chew when their owners are away can be doing so because of separation anxiety. They can also chew on anything and everything they find around the house because they are bored and lacking stimulation from elsewhere.

If you have ever had a dog chew on your favorite pair of shoes or rip your couch cushion to shreds, you know that finding a better outlet is necessary to avoid the destruction of your home and belongings. Their need to chew is an innate instinct and, as their owners, it’s your responsibility to make sure they are chewing things that are:

  • Safe
  • Beneficial to their health
  • Keeps them entertained

Other Dangerous Dog Chews

Outside of pig ears, some other popular dog chews shouldn’t actually be given to your loving canine. 

  • Bones are among one of the most controversial chew treats out there. While some say they are more than okay to give your dog, others claim they are extremely dangerous. Cooked bones should never be given to your dog. The cooking process makes them brittle, which can cause little pieces to break off. This is also something that can happen with uncooked bones. Even though uncooked bones are supposed to be a lot harder, they still have the chance to splinter, which can lead to tears or punctures in the digestive tract.
  • Elk/Deer Antlers are another popular dog chew that should be avoided. While they may be all-natural, they are extra hard, which can lead to teeth breakage. They also can be sharp, resulting in oral punctures. Both vets and dentists recognize the dangers of the elk or deer antler. They have begun issuing warnings that these are not an ideal treat for your pet.
  • Hardened Cheese Blocks are not suitable for your dog’s teeth. They are too hard and can result in teeth breakage the same way elk or deer antlers can. These treats are also often too small for bigger and smaller sized pets. When a chew is on the smaller side, it can be a choking hazard or a digestive obstruction.
  • Sticks may seem like a great and free thing for your dog to chew on, but they just aren’t good in reality. They can cause injuries to the eyes, mouth, and abdomen, which is both unpleasant and dangerous to your furry friend.

What to Look for in a Dog Chew Treat

With all these dangerous chews out there, what are the chews that are actually considered to be safe for your dog?

The following list has some of the most essential qualities to consider when considering what to allow your dog to chew:

  • Hardness – The thumbnail test is used to determine if your dog’s chew is at the right level of hardness. Simply push your finger into the chew. If it gives a little bit, then it is okay for your dog to chew on. Any chew that doesn’t give a little bit means it’s too hard and could lead to broken teeth. 
  • Softness/durability – If the toy is being used as a chew toy, then you want to make sure it is durable and won’t be ripped to shreds within a few minutes. Chews that don’t last long aren’t doing their job and can lead to your dog swallowing bits of plastic or other material that can be dangerous.
  • Size/shape – A chew shouldn’t be so small that your dog can easily choke on it. You want a more substantial sized chew treat or toy that your dog can really sink its teeth into. With the right-sized chew, you are also giving your dog the chance to work their chewing muscles, be entertained, and clean their teeth at the same time.
  • Coating/washability – You really don’t want to give your dog something that is covered in potentially toxic chemicals. The more naturally coated something is, the better it is for your dog. You also want to be able to easily wash their chew off. Although this is more of a concern for chew toys instead of treats, it is still an essential factor to consider when purchasing chews for your dog. 
  • Enjoyability – Picking out the right chew treat or toy means providing your dog with hours of entertainment. This keep them from being bored, but your dog will actually be getting benefits out of a chew that can last for hours. 

Related Questions

Can I give my dog ice cubes?

Yes, ice cubes are okay to give your dog. The best way to do this is to crush the ice up, so it is in little pieces. Your dog will still get the joy of crunching, but there won’t be the risk of choking or biting down on a hard cube and breaking a tooth. One thing to mention is ice cubes are not a good idea to give puppies. Puppies systems are not developed enough to handle the amount of cold an ice cube holds.

What are the best chew treats/toys for dogs?

Some of the best chew treats and toys on the market are made by KONG, Jolly Pets, Nylabone, and Multiple Nuts, These companies produce toys that are made of heavy-duty ropes and durable plastics so they won’t break your dog’s teeth or become choking hazards. There are also many other great toys on the market. Just make sure they pass the level of hardness test and have some of the other great qualities mentioned in the previous list.

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