Why are Golden Retrievers so Friendly?

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I was recently playing with my sister’s Golden Retriever puppy. Even though this was our first meeting, he was so affectionate and playful. I wondered, why are Golden Retrievers so friendly? I did some research to find why Golden Retrievers are always such friendly dogs.

So, why are Golden Retrievers so friendly? Golden Retrievers like lots of attention from humans. They achieve this by being alert to their owner’s needs. Golden Retrievers are a sociable breed and enjoy the company of other animals. They love to please people, so this makes them appear very friendly.

Golden Retrievers make the top ten list of the world’s friendliest dogs. They always seem happy and they even smile! But there are many reasons why Golden Retrievers are so friendly. All those great personality traits didn’t happen by accident.

Are Golden Retrievers friendly?

Why are Golden Retrievers so Nice? Here are 5 Reasons Why Friendly Golden Retrievers Make the Best Pets

Golden Retrievers make perfect family pets.

Their gentle and friendly nature makes them great with children. Golden Retrievers are in the top 3 most popular dog breeds in America every year.

There are many reasons why Golden Retrievers are so friendly. Here are a few:

1. Breeding

Golden Retrievers are friendly because of their breeding. The Golden Retriever is a hunting breed. To be a good hunter, a dog must be sociable. They must not be territorial or show any signs of aggression. Beagles and Labradors have similar friendly temperaments because they are also hunting dogs.I n Victorian times purebred dogs became fashionable. 

The Genetics of purebred dogs ensure every dog has the same  looks and personality traits. Genetics mean that owners can rely on the good nature of their Golden Retriever. The problem with purebred dogs is that every dog also inherits the same defects.

2. Gentleness

Golden Retrievers are very gentle, which makes them appear friendly. They are hunting dogs so their mouths are soft. When they were hunting, they were able to carry birds back to their owners without damaging them. As pets, this means the Golden Retriever is a gentle companion and playmate for all the family. These placid dogs can even carry an egg in their mouths without breaking it.

3. Loyalty

Golden Retrievers are loyal to their owners, which comes from their hunting dog roots. As a hunting dog, Golden Retrievers had to be responsive to what their owners were asking them to do. The desire to please was also an essential hunting dog trait. The Golden Retriever has this in abundance. The bond that a Golden Retriever forms with its owner is instant and unbreakable. Golden Retrievers show this loyalty to every member of their ‘pack’. This makes them ideal and loving family pets.    

4. Playfulness

The playful nature of Golden Retrievers is one of the reasons they are such a friendly breed. Their love of water means that they enjoy chasing a stick into the river and returning it to their owner. They are an intelligent breed, so they are quick to understand how to play games. Their soft mouths ensure that their games are gentle enough for children.

5. Neediness 

Some people would call Golden Retrievers needy. This is not always a good trait, but it is one of the reasons why they come across as so friendly. Golden Retrievers connect with their owners and are eager to please them. This means they prefer to stay close. When a dog needs attention, it is common for them to follow their owners around wherever they go. Some would call this annoying, but for others, this is part of being friendly.

Are Male or Female Golden Retrievers More Friendly?

So, you are going to buy a Golden Retriever puppy. How do you decide whether to choose a boy or a girl? Are they equally as friendly? A female puppy is often the most popular choice. People often think that female dogs are easier to manage. They believe females are gentler and not as dominant as male dogs.

Yet, others argue that the opposite is true.

In a pride of lions, the female is the hunter, and so she can be more aggressive than the male. Some say that the female dog behaves the same as the lioness. Others say, female Golden Retrievers display dominance and aggression towards other female dogs. The presence of another female challenges her position.

Experts say that a dog’s aggressive tendencies have more to do with training than gender. Lots of people say that a female dog is easier to train than a male. The reason for this is they reach maturity quicker than males, so are more responsive to training. Desexing procedures can also help. Spaying a female dog can lead to a better temperament. A neutered male displays less dominant behavior.

Are Golden Retrievers Easy to Train? 

The Golden Retriever is perennially a top 5 in American Kennel Club’s list of the 13 easiest dogs to train. They say the Golden Retriever is easy to train because they are eager to please. They are also intelligent, so they can grasp what their owner expects of them.

Golden Retrievers are generally very easy to train, but this depends on what you are teaching them to do. The Golden Retriever is an obedient and clever dog, so training them to obey most commands is easy.

But, if you are trying to train your Golden Retriever to be a guard dog, your pet is likely to disappoint you! Golden Retriever’s are large, fit and robust dogs, but they don’t make good guard dogs. They are usually too friendly and they lack the necessary aggression.

Do Golden Retrievers Protect their Owners? 

It is well known that Golden Retrievers are a loyal breed that form a strong bond with their owners. Golden Retrievers have the ingrained desire to protect their owners from harm. But most Golden Retrievers seem to be missing the ‘attack’ reflex that makes a good guard dog.

Golden Retrievers are people-focussed dogs. Their friendly nature can extend to anyone, (including burglars!) And their quiet nature means they are not good at raising the alarm.

Golden Retrievers are intelligent and trainable. It is possible for owners to train them to protect a household or area.This training is more likely to be successful if the dog is young. Experts advise against training your Golden Retriever to be aggressive towards other humans. This goes against their friendly nature. If you are looking for a more aggressive dog that is also a good family pet, there are many other breeds to choose from.

As with all dog breeds, there are exceptions to the rule. Although it goes against their nature, Golden Retrievers can be aggressive. But they are unlikely to be born that way. If a puppy is  neglected, frightened or not socialized, they may be aggressive.

Related Questions

What are the three types of Golden Retriever?

The three types of Golden Retriever are:

1. English Golden Retriever
2. American Golden Retriever
3. Canadian Golden Retriever

The three breeds are very similar in looks and temperament. English Golden Retrievers are larger and lighter in colour. Canadian and American Golden Retrievers are darker and the Canadian coat is thinner. 

Why are Golden Retrievers so expensive?

Golden Retriever puppies can be expensive to buy because they are very popular. They are also costly to breed. Good breeders must provide certificates to prove puppies have undergone health screening tests. The vet bills involved in birthing and caring for puppies can be sizable. English Golden Retrievers can be more expensive than American and Canadian Golden Retrievers.

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