How Much do Golden Retrievers Sleep?

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How much do Golden Retrievers sleep per day? Watching my Golden puppy sleep is one of my favorite things in the world. He looks so peaceful as he dreams away the day on top of a big pile of blankets. But the other day I found myself wondering if his sleep patterns were normal. So I did some research to find out exactly how much a Golden Retriever should sleep.

So, how much do Golden Retrievers sleep? Most Golden Retrievers will sleep for up to 12 hours per day. Many dogs will spend even more time lying down and relaxing. Older dogs and puppies will sleep for longer, while adolescent dogs are more active. It is not unheard of for some older dogs to sleep up to 18 hours in a day, although this sleep will not be consecutive.

If your dog is having trouble sleeping, or you’re worried they are sleeping too much, there are a few things to try. Dogs have interesting sleep patterns, and how they like the sleep may surprise you!

Do Golden Retrievers Sleep a Lot?

Do Golden Retrievers sleep a lot?

Golden Retrievers are excellent at sleeping the day away. Spending long hours snoozing each day is part of their nature.

Bigger dogs tend to spend more time sleeping than smaller pups. While it may seem that your Golden Retriever sleeps a lot, they pale in comparison to the Saint Bernard. Many of these dogs will hit an average of 18 hours. That’s an incredible 6 hours more than most Goldies!

Believe it or not, your Golden Retriever has a similar sleep cycle to you. We only have a couple of differences to our canine pals.

Dogs reach deep sleep faster than us, which means their sleep cycles are shorter than those of humans. This means that your dog needs to sleep more during the day to get the right amount of rest.

Your Golden Retriever only spends 10% of their sleep time in REM, so they will snooze throughout the day to make up. 

Try to let your dog sleep uninterrupted. They need to take advantage of all their naps throughout the day!

Different Golden Retrievers will need to sleep different amounts:

Golden Retriever Puppies Need More Sleep than Adolescent Dogs

Puppies need to sleep more than adolescent dogs. Young dogs need to spend more time sleeping to help them develop. They are like babies, and sleep will help them to grow and develop their bodies.

If your puppy doesn’t get enough sleep, their behavior may suffer. Tired puppies can struggle to focus, and might get bursts of frantic tired energy.

Sometimes it can feel like dealing with a grumpy toddler!

What About Older Golden Retrievers?

Older Golden Retrievers also need more sleep than adolescents.

They tire at a faster rate, and have less energy than younger dogs. Sleeping helps them top up this energy!

Have an Active Golden?

Busy dogs tend to need less sleep than couch potato pups.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, more active dogs spend less time sleeping. Working dogs in particular will be awake for much of the day.


4 Ways Improve the Quality of Your Dog’s Sleep

While some dogs will sleep through the night with no problems, others struggle to get in their hours.

But if your dog wakes up barking in the night, don’t lose hope! There are a few things you can try:

1. Stick to a Routine

When keeping to a good routine, your dog will find it easier to sleep when they understand the flow of the day.

Try to wake, feed, and walk your dog at similar times each day. This will allow your dog to relax during their sleep time, as they know when to expect the next exciting event.

2. Comfortable Sleeping Space

Nobody likes to sleep in a messy bed (canines included).

Your Golden Retriever’s sleep will improve with a comfy well-supported bed. This is particularly important for older dogs with joint problems. Try memory foam if you want to give your pup the best support.

3. Go! Go! Go!

Tire them out. A tired dog is a happy dog!

Bored dogs will find it far more difficult to sleep during the night.

Give your pup plenty of mental stimulation and play during the day. It will give them some happy memories to dream of throughout the night too!

4. Visit the Vet

If your dog continues to suffer with interrupted sleep, consider taking them to the vet.

Pain or poor nutrition can cause a dog to struggle with sleeping.

Sleep is very important for dogs. A well rested dog will find it easier to learn skills and stay calm during the day.

Improving your dog’s sleep will also help to improve your sleep.

No more getting woken up by barking!

How to Tell if Your Golden Retriever is Sleeping Too Much

But what if you’re worried that your dog is sleeping too much?

It can be a challenge to tell if your pup is getting in too many hours. After all, some dogs need to sleep more than others!

Keep an eye out for these signs if you’re worried about your Golden Retriever’s sleep patterns:

  • Unexplained increases in sleep: sudden increases in sleeping hours can be a concern. If you can’t link an increased level of sleepiness to any recent change, you might need to keep an eye on your dog. If the increase in sleep hours comes with other changes, be sure to take your pup to the vet.
  • Lethargy: if your dog is sleeping more than usual but still seems tired, this could be a sign of a bigger problem. If this is the case, be sure to take them to the vet to rule out any health issues.
  • Breathing difficulties: some dogs can develop problems with breathing while sleeping. If your dog is sleeping a lot and struggling to breathe, be sure to get them checked. This is quite uncommon for Golden Retrievers but more common in short-snouted dogs.
  • Consistent sleepiness: Get your dog checked if their increased sleepiness continues. While a few days is normal, a week or more could be cause for concern. If there are no other symptoms, there is no reason to panic. But make sure to bring it up during your regular visits with the vet.

Like humans, dogs can suffer from depression, stress and other health problems. Your dog may be sleeping more as a response to psychological or physical reasons.

Make sure you pay attention to your dog’s condition, and keep an eye on their sleep patterns.

By paying attention to your dog’s sleeping habits, you will increase their quality of life. A happy, well-rested dog is the perfect companion!

Related Questions

What does my dog’s sleeping position mean?

Dogs sleep in many different positions. A dog sleeping on their side is in a deep contented sleep. This is one of the most vulnerable positions for a dog. Sleeping in a ball is the most protective position for dogs. But this also doesn’t allow them to get much rest. Dogs that sleep on their stomachs are able to relax more, but still ready to jump to their feet at any moment.

What is the best exercise for Golden Retrievers?

Swimming is a fantastic exercise for Golden Retrievers. Breeding means that these dogs are natural swimmers. Almost every Goldie can learn to swim, or at least play in the water. Swimming will not only tire out your dog’s body, but also work their brains!

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