Can Golden Retrievers Eat Bananas?

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Can Golden Retrievers eat bananas? We all know that bananas are a tasty, healthy snack for humans to enjoy. But you may be wondering whether it is safe to feed the fruit to your Golden Retriever. I wasn’t sure either, so I dug deeper and here’s what I found.

So, can Golden Retrievers eat bananas? Yes. A medium-sized dog breed, such as a Golden Retriever, can have up to half of a regular-sized banana as a treat. Like many fruits, bananas are perfectly safe for dogs to eat in moderation. However, avoid feeding your dog the outer peel of the banana as this can be tricky to digest.

Most of us find it difficult not to spoil our pets with tasty treats. There are several things in your kitchen your dog can snack on. However, some foods we regularly consume will be toxic – even deadly – to your pooch. Luckily, bananas are a perfectly safe treat for your Golden Retriever to enjoy!

Golden Retrievers and Bananas: a Timeless Love Story

can my Golden Retriever eat bananas

We share our lives with our dogs and often our food, too. If you’ve ever wondered if it was safe to toss your dog a piece of your banana, then the answer is: yes!

In fact, bananas may be a much healthier alternative to shop-bought dog treats. They are often full of additives, such as salt and fat, which may not be the healthiest thing for your dog to consume.

There are other benefits to feeding your dog bananas.

Bananas contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and potassium. Some people think that bananas may improve heart health in dogs. A regular banana contains under 100 calories, which makes it a great choice of snack for a low calorie diet.

Bananas make a good treat, as they are both low in calories and tasty! However, don’t rely on the nutrients in bananas to support your dog’s health. They’re high in sugar; while they may be great to motivate your dog to comply with commands, they should be used as a treat and not as a dietary staple.

So, while feeding your Golden Retriever a banana isn’t harmful, they’re not as nutritious for dogs as they are for us. This is because the recommended portion for a dog to consume is relatively small.

To reduce the risk of choking, chop the banana into small pieces before feeding them to your dog. You can feed them from your hand or put the pieces in their bowl. If you have an older dog or a dog with problems chewing or eating, you could mash the banana up before giving it to them. Alternatively, if your dog has a sensitive diet and you want to make chunks of banana seem like a more substantial treat, try freezing the pieces after you’ve chopped them.

While it is not advised to feed your dog banana peel, it won’t do much harm beyond slight constipation or diarrhoea. So don’t panic if he or she snaffles the whole thing!

Banana Chips, Banana Bread and Plantain

We know that Golden Retrievers can snack on bananas, but can they have banana chips? What about banana bread or plantain? The answer is: it depends!

Banana chips are fine for Golden Retrievers, but only if they are 100% dried banana with no additives. That means, if they’re coated in honey or sugar or chocolate then they are not safe for your dog to consume.

It’s important to remember that banana chips are more concentrated in sugar than fresh pieces, so give your dog a little less.

Banana bread should be harmless for your dog to consume, unless they have a wheat or grain sensitivity or allergy. Be mindful of the other ingredients in banana bread, though. If it’s full of added sugar, for example, it’s best not to let your dog have a bite.

Also, if it contains raisins or chocolate then it is definitely not dog-friendly as neither are suitable for your pup to consume!

Sometimes referred to as ‘the vegetable banana’, you may be wondering if your dog can eat plantain. When steamed or boiled, plantain is a great option for your dog, in moderation.

However, it is not recommended to feed your dog raw or fried plantain.

Which Other Fruits and Vegetables Can I Feed My Golden Retriever?

There are many fruits and vegetables you can feed your Golden Retriever. Options include:

  • Apples (no core or seeds!)
  • Cucumber
  • Carrots
  • Oranges
  • Pears
  • Celery

Make sure you chop them up into manageable pieces to eliminate any danger of choking. As with any animal, finding out what your Golden Retriever likes to snack on may take some trial and error, so prepare to experiment.

Which Fruits and Vegetables Should I Avoid Giving My Golden Retriever?

Some fruits and vegetables are toxic for dogs to consume. This includes:

avocado, tomato, onion, mushrooms, asparagus, grapes and cherries.

These foods all contain chemicals which are harmful to dogs. For example, the leaves, stem and stone of cherries contain a level of cyanide.

Tomatoes contain solanine, also toxic to dogs. So, if your dog is eyeing up your guacamole or begging for grapes from the fruit bowl, don’t give in! Chop up some carrot or banana, instead.

Is it Good for Golden Retrievers to Eat Human Food?

Some people enjoy sneaking pieces of their dinner to their dog under the table. Others have ditched manufactured dog food for homemade alternatives. And everyone deserves to have a treat now and again.

But could it be harmful to give our canine friends the foods we eat?

As mentioned, there are foods which are very harmful to dogs and should be avoided. But, if none of those foods are present, is it safe to feed your Golden Retriever the ‘scraps’ from dinner?

This is completely dependent on what you had for dinner. If you had something highly processed, like pasta or bread, then it’s not a good idea to feed that to your dog regularly.

However, it’s important to remember that dogs are omnivorous animals, descended from scavengers. So, while it will probably benefit them to eat some leftover lean meat, such as chicken, turkey or fish, keep in mind that plant-based foods are good, too. Avoid foods which we know to be harmful. Give your dog little or none of the foods which we know to be high in fat and low in nutrition. This includes dairy products or deep-fried foods. So far as junk foods are concerned, if it’s bad for you then it’s not good for the dog, either. 

Making dog food from scratch takes a little more planning and effort than chopping up a cucumber. You’ll have to think carefully about nutrition, to make sure your pup’s diet is balanced and healthy. If you plan on switching to a largely or completely homemade diet for your dog, carefully research the subject first and consult your vet, too.

Related Questions

What happens if my Golden Retriever eats too much banana?

Eating too much of anything can cause problems. Consuming too much banana will overload your dog with fibre. This can cause symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea and vomiting. If your pet shows any of these symptoms continuously, a trip to the vet may be necessary.

How often should I feed my dog treats?

Our dogs are our best buddies and we all want to spoil them! A good rule of thumb for how often to feed treats to your dog is that 90% of their energy intake every day should be from their regular food. Only 10% should come from treat foods and snacks.

Which foods are most toxic to dogs?

Some foods are really dangerous for your dog to consume. Foods you should definitely keep away from your pooch (especially if they are prone to rummaging for snacks!) include: chocolate, raisins, any foods containing xylitol, alcohol, nutmeg, broccoli. If you suspect that your dog has consumed even a little of one of these foods, consult your vet.

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