Are Golden Retrievers Good Hunting Dogs?

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Are Golden Retrievers good hunting dogs? We’ve known them for their smiles and enthusiastic attitude, but was this also the case before the 21st century when people were more reliant on hunting? If they do make good hunting dogs or partners, what are the physical aspects that make the breed so special?

So, are Golden Retrievers good hunting dogs? Yes. Good hunting dogs tend to be loyal, obedient, and very trainable. The Golden Retrievers were bred to biologically isolate these characteristics to artificially reproduce hunting dogs. Golden Retrievers are muscular, which gives them a physical advantage over other breeds, allowing for better chase-downs and dragging targets around after hunting.

But was this breed popular amongst hunters in the past? When did humans start working with Golden Retrievers to hunt? Are there specific physical traits that they developed over time to make them great for hunting excursions? To find answers to these questions, we must look deeper!

What Traits Make Golden Retrievers Amazing Hunting Dogs?

First of all, just because Golden Retrievers are “amazing hunting dogs” does not necessarily mean that they know how to kill. They don’t really have the killer instinct that many might assume for hunting dogs to have.

Golden Retriever hunting dog

Instead, as the name suggests, this specific breed is usually used for retrieving the prey after the hunter has taken down his or her target. When it comes to hunting, this is especially beneficial as the human doesn’t have to expend any unnecessary energy going through treacherous terrains that dogs can pass through with ease.

However, it is also possible to train the breed to learn how to catch the prey. In fact, Golden Retrievers are easily trained to do anything that the owner would like it to do. They operate very well on the field, as they are physically very fit. They have intelligent eyes, ears, and nose, making them the perfect partner when you need help sniffing a prey out. 

Moreover, Golden Retrievers are excellent swimmers thanks to their webbed feet. Having webbed feet allows this breed to have more control and speed underwater, making them the perfect companion when it comes to retrieving prey that like to roost on top of lakes or small ponds. 

Despite all these benefits, it is still important to make sure that your Golden Retrievers are well rested before going on hunts. Hunting takes a lot of energy and focus, so it’s wise to make sure your Golden Retrievers get a comfortable sleeping space and have access to a balanced diet. 

Humans And Golden Retrievers: Hunting

Officially named the human-canine bond, the utility-based relationship between dogs and humans can be first found over 15000 years ago when the Bonn-Oberkassel dog was found with two humans. Throughout history, mankind has worked with many different animals, and, evidently, the partnership they have with dogs is more modern. 

In fact, the use of dogs really became widespread during the 1980s and the 1990s, when the police recognized dogs’ ability to sniff out drugs, bombs, and other threats, they learned to train and partner with dogs. Currently, Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds when it comes to police/military dogs. 

The breed isn’t necessarily asked for help when police officers are trying to take targets down. Rather, they have excellent sensitive noses for detection work. Therefore, you would see them in airports hunting for drugs and other threats or in the field, sniffing out trails of their prey! Moreover, Golden Retrievers are very intelligent, making it so that humans have a lot of control over the dog’s actions.

How To Make Sure Your Dog Is Hunt-Ready

1. Essential Commands

It’s essential to establish a bond between you and your gun dog before you go out on the field where there is plenty of risk of injuries. Commands stay and go are the most basic orders that you must teach your dog before hunting. Without having such basic control over your gun dog, your dog wouldn’t know when to chase after the prey or when to stay quiet to not fear the prey away.

The other very important drill that many hunters fail to practice is to train your dog to walk quietly and stay still underwater. Hunting targets like ducks and other birds that roost on the water are very sensitive to ripples. Any anomalies in the pattern would alert them, causing you to miss your target. For this reason, you must train your dog so that it is capable of staying still underwater, without panicking or making large movements.

2. Learning Patience and Cue

One of the biggest mistakes made by gun dogs is that they are either startled by the sound of firing a gun or they believe that the sound is their cue to go retrieve their prey. It’s important to make sure that your dogs recognize that the sound of gunfire isn’t necessarily threatening to them and, more importantly, that the sound doesn’t give them a green light to chase their prey. 

To develop this trait, professionals suggest that the owners take their hunting dogs on a shooting range. There, they can shoot clay targets and make sure that their dogs stay still, and throw in bumpers every once in a while and cue their hunting dog to chase after the bumper. This way, their companions will be able to differentiate their cues.

3. Safety First

Although it may be a blast training with your companion, dreaming about the perfect hunting season, safety should always be first. In fact, there are a few safety precautions, most notably on how you can prevent yourself from pushing your dog too hard, that many hunters like to follow. The first one is to “stay out of the direct sun.” Dogs are especially weak to heat and hot summers. Golden Retrievers, thanks to their double-coat, struggle even more. 

To prevent heat shocks, we must consider the difference in homeostatic mechanisms in dogs. Because they do not respire, it takes longer for them to cool down. As humans, we have sweat glands all over our bodies to release heat. Dogs don’t. For this reason, please make sure that not only you but your dog cools off completely!

4. Find A Way To Communicate Without Gestures/Sound

At times, you will run into situations where you may not be able to communicate with gestures. For example, if your dog is far away from where you are in thick forests, it’s difficult for your companion to recognize what you are trying to communicate via physical movements. Therefore, use whistles or buzzes and make sure that your dog identifies the sound as a beacon that he or she can use to get back to you.

Another scenario that might limit you in your means of communication is when you must remain silent. When there is a target that’s very attentive to its surroundings, it will be difficult to tell your dog to stay verbally. Therefore, find gestures that work for you and your partner that you can use in silence!

Related Questions

What dog breeds are great for retrieving hunted targets?

American Foxhound, American Pit Bull Terrier, Beagle, Bloodhound, Boykin Spaniel, Brittany Dog, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Coonhound, Irish Setter, Jack Russel Terrier, and Labrador Retriever are amongst the most popular breeds for hunting.

Do Golden Retriever hunting dogs need a special diet?

Yes. Golden Retrievers are very active. They used to be dogs running around the hunting field to help hunters retrieve their hunted game. For this reason, we recommend that your Golden Retriever consumes between 1353 calories and 1740 calories. However, Golden Retrievers can develop allergic reactions to certain meat proteins and grains like corn, wheat, or soy. Please check for any signs before providing your companion with the snacks that they deserve!

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