Why are Huskies so Stubborn?

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Why are Huskies so stubborn? There is nothing quite like the wolfish breed of the Husky. They are fascinating to look at, with those piercing blue eyes, lean physique, and overall slightly intimidating appearance. However, this dog is known to be one of the more intelligent and incredibly friendly dogs, despite what their appearance may tell you. The Husky temperament is smart and silly but that doesn’t deter the fact that they are obnoxiously stubborn.

So, why are Huskies so stubborn? Huskies are known to be one of the more stubborn dog breeds. This is mostly due to two reasons:

  1. They have a pack-like mentality, which means they will only listen only to the one they believe is the leader.
  2. They don’t really care if they please you or not.

If you’re curious as to why your Husky doesn’t seem to want to listen to a word you say, you’re not alone. A lot of pet owners opt for a Husky because they’re notably smart and friendly, but they aren’t prepared for the stubborn behavior. We’re going to discuss the reasoning behind their stubborn nature and how you can combat it.

Stubborn Husky

2 Reasons Why Your Husky is so Stubborn (and How to Combat it)

Any Husky owner will tell you right off the bat that his Husky is the sweetest thing on the planet. But then if you hear him try and give this same sweetheart a command, he likely doesn’t listen and ends up doing the opposite.

Is the Husky really just a rambunctious toddler on the inside, or is there an actual reason behind his stubborn behavior?

Well, you’ll be happy to know that your dog isn’t at the mental level of a 2-year-old. In fact, your Husky is one of the smarter breeds out there. But being smart and clever doesn’t always equate to being obedient; in fact, in a lot of cases, it means quite the opposite.

So when it comes to your beloved furry best friend, what’s the deal? Why does your Husky never seem to want to listen to you?

There are actually two major reasons why your Husky is stubborn:

1. They Have a Pack-Like Mentality, Which Means They Only Listen to the One They Believe is the Leader

Your Husky was originally bred to move in a pack. Of course, no matter what type of animal runs in a pack, the majority only listen to one leader. If your Husky doesn’t see you as his ‘one leader’, then he is simply not going to listen to you.

Does this mean that your Husky doesn’t respect you or love you? Of course not! In fact, Huskies are known to be very loving to their owners and have a lot of loyalty towards them. Although that doesn’t change the fact that they will walk up to virtually any Tom, Dick, or Harry and greet them with a smile.

No, your Husky is no guard dog. He is a pack dog that was bred to pull sleds and move in a pack. He did exactly what the pack leader did, and turned to him for his movements and thoughts. If another dog in the pack tried to get your Husky to do the same thing, they would probably have a similar reaction as they do to you- simply not listening.

How to Get Your Husky to Listen to You

Well, you are clearly not a dog and can’t be the leader of his pack. In fact, it’s likely that you only have one Husky hanging around your home- because having two around would be way too much handle. (Did we mention that the Husky can be a little bit on the needy side, except when it comes to grooming habits?)

So what can you, as the owner, do to make sure that your Husky listens to you?

The best thing to do is to assert yourself and be confident and persistent.

This does not mean that you should be aggressive or demanding with your dog. Just like there is a big difference between cockiness and confidence, there is a big difference between respect and fear- and it’s true for your Husky, too.

When trying to train your Husky, always be stern with your voice.

But you should also keep in mind that plenty of positive reinforcement is necessary, too.You want to have a good exchange of both sternness and positivity to allow your Husky to see you are the leader and to respect your commands.

2. They Don’t Really Care if They Please You or Not.

After hearing this, your first thought might be, “Wow, Huskies are kind of big jerks”.

But it’s not meant to be that way in any way, shape, or form, and your Husky isn’t doing it to be mean or hurtful. It’s simply the Huskies nature to not really care if he is pleasing people or not. This can be confusing, so let’s break it down to be a little more clear.

Your Husky was originally bred with one goal in mind:

To pull sleds.

Having this job meant everything to your Husky, and it is the one thing that gives him satisfaction. It’s because it is his job and what he wants to do day in and day out.

When we took the Husky out of this element, it didn’t change his mindset whatsoever. If you tell your Husky a command and he sees something he could chase after in the distance, he is almost always going to go for the chase rather than listen. This is because your Husky weighs his options on what he thinks is the better option. Unfortunately, this means 9 times out of 10 it’s going to be his idea.

How to Get Your Husky to Listen to Commands

There is no special potion that is going to help your Husky listen to you, but there is a few tips and tricks:

  • Make your commands fun. Even something as simple as ‘sit’ can be made fun with the right amount of imagination. Something as small as changing your tone to be excited and happy can make all of the difference. 
  • Reward, reward, reward.  There is nothing more motivating for a Husky than a reward, whether it’s a treat, a chunk of food, playing his favorite game, or whatever else makes your Husky jump for joy.
  • Keep it short. Think of your Husky as a toddler that can’t sit still for too long. Your Husky gets bored quickly, so keep training times short and simple.

Related Questions

How do Huskies show affection?

Oddly enough, Huskies show affection by taking your hand in his mouth and holding it gently. He’s asking you to trust him that he won’t bite you. This is something they have done in their pack since the beginning.

How do I know if my Husky is happy?

When your Husky has his tail and ears in a neutral tone, then you know he is happy. He may also wag his tail regularly and have his mouth slightly open with his tongue hanging out, allowing him to cheerfully pant throughout the day.

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