What do Huskies Eat?

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When I adopted my first girl, I had no idea what the best Husky food for her was. I knew Huskies were often used as sledding and working dogs, but I didn’t know if a particular diet was required for a regular, stay-at-home pup. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything correctly, so I had to research what do Huskies eat.

So, what do Huskies eat?

The Siberian Husky breed has evolved over time into one that requires a well-balanced diet. They aren’t big eaters, so when they do eat, their food needs to be packed with protein and other nutrients that will keep them healthy. A combination of meat, fruits, and vegetables are required in a Husky’s diet.

What Do Huskies Like to Eat?

what do Huskies like to eat?

As omnivores, Huskies like to eat both meat and vegetables. Although they can appear to be picky eaters, their pickiness can be traced back to their wolf ancestors.

For wolves, what they eat in the wild is a make or break for them. If they eat something poisonous or dangerous for them, they will die. They had to learn what to eat and what to stay away from. The Husky has inherited the instinct to approach their food carefully.

It can be a trial and error process, figuring out what your Husky will like to eat.

If a dog food ends up giving them an upset stomach, they won’t go near that dog food again. The same goes for food items in a raw food diet. If you see your Husky approaching something carefully, it is them trying to figure out of the food is safe for them to eat.

Siberian Huskies also have a tendency to get bored with their food.

Keeping them interest requires adding variety to their meals every once in a while. This can be as simple as adding a new ingredient or switching from a wet-food to a dry-food for one day.

Your Husky may love what you are feeding them, and they suddenly show no interest in it.

Frustrating, amirite?!

There may be no rhyme or reason as to why Huskies get bored with their food, but it is best to just accept it and find an alternative meal they will love diving into.

What is the Best Diet for My Siberian Husky?

While other dogs will eat as much food as you can give them, Huskies aren’t a dog breed prone to overeating.

Coming from a background of being working or sled dogs in some of the world’s harshest conditions, Huskies have adapted to limited food supplies. Although they may not eat much, or very often, Huskies do require a diet that is high-quality and nutrient-rich.

There are three main types of diets you can feed your Husky:

  1. Commercial food diet: A commercial diet is one consisting of wet or dry dog food that can be bought at the store. If choosing a commercial diet, only the best dog foods should be chosen to feed your pup. Huskies have metabolisms that can process nutrients very quickly. If you feed your Husky low-quality foods, they won’t be getting the right amount of those nutrients. 
  2. Raw food diet: One of the benefits of feeding your Husky a raw food diet is you have complete control over what you are feeding them. There is no need to look at the back of a package to make sure what you are buying isn’t filled with processed junk and tons of grains. A raw food diet requires whole meats, veggies, and fruits. It also involves research and making sure your Husky is getting all the vitamins and minerals he needs to thrive. 
  3. Mixed food diet: Combining both diets, the mixed food diet allows for both commercial food and raw food to be fed to your Husky. The benefit of a mixed food diet is your puppy will be getting the nutrients offered from both commercial and raw food diets. The one major thing to note here is both types of food should not be fed to your Husky in the same meal. Commercial and raw food require different digestive processes, so they need to be fed to your puppy separately to avoid an upset stomach.

The type of diet you choose is dependent on your Husky’s eating habits, the amount of time or resources you have, and the length of time the food can be stored.

Commercial food has a longer life span than raw food does, is easier to store, and is cheaper to provide. But, raw food means you are 100% in control of what you are feeding your puppy. This can be hugely beneficial for a Husky that is prone to being picky or gets bored with his food quickly.

Strictly raw food diets do come with some drawbacks. They are expensive, don’t stay fresh for long, and require a lot of research to make sure you are feeding your Husky the correct balance.

That being said, choosing a mixed food diet means you can have the best of both worlds. You can save time, save money, and be confident your Husky is getting the right nutrients he needs.

What Human Foods Can Huskies Eat?

Huskies can eat the same human foods as other dogs can. Items such as chicken, beef, fish, peanut butter, carrots, and yogurt are all safe for your Husky to consume. Giving your Husky fruits or vegetables for treats can also be a great way to make them happy while adding some variety into their diet. 

The following list is full of safe to eat goodies for your Husky:

  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Coconut
  • Apples (with no seeds)
  • Bananas 
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Honey
  • Popcorn
  • Corn
  • Cashews

When feeding your Husky any new foods, it is always best to make a note of how they react to it. Some Huskies have food allergies, so it is best to chaperone your Husky any time you are introducing something new into their diet.

Husky Human Food No-No’s

Certain foods should never be given to your Husky, or to any other dog. Animals have different metabolisms than humans do, so they process food differently. Giving them the wrong kinds of food can result in stomach problems, seizures, and even death.

The following list of items are ones that are unsafe for your Husky:

  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Prunes
  • Cherries
  • Soda
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Avacado
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Large amounts of dairy

If you are ever unsure if a food item will be dangerous for your Husky, don’t give it to them. You can also contact your veterinarian to ask if a food is safe for your Husky to consume.

Related Questions

How often should I feed my full-grown Husky?

Full-grown Siberian Huskies should be fed up to two times per day. You can also feed them up to three times per day if they are very picky eaters or just don’t eat very much. By spreading out their meals, you are assuring they get some intake of calories throughout the day. Without steady calories, a Huskies body will start to lose fat, causing them to lose weight. To keep them healthy, space their feeding times out and make sure they are getting enough nutrients.

How will I know if I am knot feeding my Husky the right food?

The easiest way to tell if your Husky is getting the right food or not is to look at their coat and skin. If they aren’t being fed correctly, their skin may be dry, their coats may be dull, and they could be shedding a lot more than is typical. Stomach problems and obesity can also result from the wrong diet. If you think your puppy isn’t as healthy as she should be, contact your vet to discuss options on getting your puppy healthy and back on track.

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