Rottweiler Feeding Requirements 101

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My friend is planning to get a Rottweiler puppy. She wants to feed him the best Rottie food she can afford. I wondered what does a Rottweiler need to eat to keep him healthy and happy? So, I did some research to find out more about Rottweiler’s feeding requirements.

So, what are basic Rottweiler feeding requirements? An average adult Rottweiler needs 2100 calories a day and should consist predominantly of meat. This may vary depending on the size, age and physical activity of your Rottweiler. A Rottweiler’s diet must contain the correct amount of protein and fat to keep him healthy. His food must also include vitamins to keep him in the best condition.

A Rottweiler’s diet should consist predominantly of meat. Some of the pre-packaged dog food you can buy contains more grains than meat. This may not provide your dog with all the fat and protein he needs. Grain is a low-cost alternative to meat, so some manufacturers use it to keep their costs down. This food also often contains chemicals and preservatives. Before you buy a bag of dog food, check that it contains real meat or meat meal.

Rottweiler feeding schedule

How Often Should I Feed My Rottweiler?

If your Rottweiler is a fully grown adult, you should be feeding him twice a day.

A Rottweiler who is less than six months old needs extra energy to grow. So a Rottweiler puppy will need feeding at least three times a day.

Rottweiler puppies grow so rapidly in their first six months that they need between two and four times as much food as an adult dog.

How often you feed your Rottweiler varies from dog to dog. An active dog may need feeding more often than a dog who doesn’t get much exercise.

The best way to get it right is to learn from your dog. If your Rottweiler often leaves his food uneaten, he is letting you know you are feeding him too often.

How Much Protein Does My Rottweiler Need?

Protein is a vital part of your Rottweiler’s diet. It helps muscles to grow and repair. It helps cells and hair to grow. It builds a healthy immune system, and it provides all the amino acids a dog needs to stay healthy. A Rottweiler also gets some of its energy from protein.

Adult Rottweiler need somewhere between 18% and 26% protein in their diet. That’s a huge span, so shoot for somewhere on the higher side (22-24% protein) and adjust as necessary.

All sources recommend that this protein comes from meat such as chicken, turkey, lamb, beef or fish. Protein that comes from grain is not as valuable as protein that comes from animal sources.

It is important to get the perfect amount of protein into your Rottweiler’s diet. If a dog gets too much protein he could become overweight. If he doesn’t get enough, he is likely to be weak, underweight and have an unhealthy coat.

Does My Rottweiler Need Fat in His Diet?

Fat should make up between 12-16% of an adult Rottweiler’s diet. Puppies need 14-16% fat. This gives them the energy they need to grow into healthy adults.

It is important to know what is in your pet’s food before you give it to him. Check the label carefully. It should tell you which animal the fat has come from and not just call it ‘animal fat.’

Fat forms an essential part of your Rottweiler’s diet. Dogs get most of their energy from fat. It also allows their bodies to absorb vitamins and other nutrients.

Fat from chicken or fish is particularly good for absorbing nutrients. Dogs can get the fat they need from meat or plant sources. Saturated fat from meat provides much more energy than polyunsaturated fat from plants.

What Vitamins Does My Rottweiler Need?

Your Rottweiler needs vitamins in his diet to keep him healthy. Vitamins help his coat stay shiny, and his bones and teeth stay strong. They help keep his body functioning as it should. The vitamins that your Rottweiler needs in his diet include: 

  • Vitamin A – This is important for cell growth and immunity. Dogs can get this from vegetables such as carrots and spinach. Meat sources, such as liver and fish oil and eggs, are a good source of Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B – These vitamins are essential to the function of red blood cells and the nervous system. Yeast is a good source of Vitamin B, also nuts and liver.
  • Vitamin C – A dog’s body makes its own Vitamin C, so they don’t need much in their diet. If a dog is stressed or sick, this could reduce his body’s ability to produce the vitamin. These dogs need to get Vitamin C from organ meat and fruits and vegetables.
  • Vitamin D – This is important to the growth of muscles and bones. It comes mostly from meat such as liver and beef, fish and fish oil and dairy products.
  • Vitamin E – This helps maintain a healthy circulatory and immune system. Dogs can get this from whole grains, seeds, wheat germ and bran.
  • Vitamin K – This is vital to the clotting of a dog’s blood. It comes from liver and leafy greens such as cabbage. Milk is also a good source of Vitamin K.

Giving your Rottweiler synthetic vitamin supplements is a popular option.

Owners spend millions of dollars a year on supplements but it is better to get vitamins from real dog food.

Good quality dog food should contain all the vitamins your dog needs. Synthetic supplements can contain unnatural substances, which can be harmful to your dog.

 What should I Avoid Feeding My Rottweiler?

Although it is tempting to share your leftovers with your Rottweiler, this can be harmful to your pet. Dogs have different nutritional needs to humans so they should not eat the same food.

Human food such as chocolate is very bad for your dog. It contains caffeine and theobromine, which can cause vomiting, seizures and even death.

Garlic and onions can damage your dog’s red blood cells, and grapes can damage his kidneys.

Live yeast found in alcohol and bread dough can also cause seizures and possibly lead to a heart attack.

It is best to avoid feeding your Rottweiler gluten because it can cause allergies. Rottweilers can be prone to allergies aggravated by their diet.

If your dog has too much animal fat or dairy products, they can have an allergic reaction. Meat that is commonly found in dog food, such as beef and chicken, can also upset your dog. Hypoallergenic or raw food diets can help allergies and sensitive stomachs.

Rottweilers as a breed can sometimes suffer from skin conditions. Colorings, additives and spices in food can aggravate this problem. A bland and chemical-free diet helps Rottweiler’s suffering from skin conditions.   

Related Questions

What are the benefits of a healthy Rottweiler diet?

If your Rottweiler has a healthy diet, you will have a happy dog! He will have more energy because he will be at a healthy weight. His coat will have a glossy sheen and his eyes will be bright. A healthy diet means that your pet is less likely to suffer from health problems. As a result, his life-expectancy will increase.

Is an unhealthy Rottweiler diet dangerous?

Yes. If your Rottweiler has an unhealthy diet, your pet could become dangerously overweight. This breed is prone to obesity, which can reduce life-expectancy. Once your dog is obese, it is much harder for him to exercise, and he may become lazy. Obese dogs can suffer heart problems, skin disease, arthritis, diabetes, and breathing problems.

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