How Much Does it Cost to Feed a Rottweiler?

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I was recently considering buying a Rottweiler puppy. Before I made the leap, there were many important considerations…like, don’t Rotties eat as much as dinosaurs?! I dug in and here’s what I found regarding how much does it cost to feed a Rottweiler.

So, how much does it cost to feed a Rottweiler?

cost of feeding a Rottweiler

It costs between $15 and $300 per month to feed a Rottweiler, depending on the quality of food you provide. Fresh, raw, and high quality dog food cost the most (you can even combine all 3). The average Rottweiler eats approximately 1-2 pounds of food a day. The best dog food for Rottweilers costs between $2 and $4 a pound. A mid-range dog food costs between $0.75 and $2.11. A cheap dog food can cost as little as $0.50 a pound.

The cost of dog food varies. Cheaper options may not be as cost-effective as they seem. Dogs should be fed the highest quality dog food that you can provide. Rottweilers especially, because this breed is large and muscular, and they can be prone to health issues. Food that contains quality meat keeps a Rottweiler strong and healthy. Poor quality dog food can lead to an unhealthy dog who could end up costing you much more in vet’s bills.

Do Male Rottweilers Cost More to Feed Than Female Rottweilers?

Feed your Rottweiler 2-3% of their ideal body weight per day.

The ideal weight for a male Rottweiler is 95-135 pounds. A female should ideally weigh 80-100 pounds. If you follow these guidelines, your male Rottweiler will consume between 1.9 and 4.05 pounds of food a day. Your female Rottweiler will consume between 1.6 and 3 pounds a day.

A pregnant female will eat more while pregnant and nursing. It is possible that she could eat twice as much as usual while pregnant. While feeding her puppies, this may increase to three times her usual amount.

Your pregnant Rottweiler will need a high-quality protein-rich diet throughout pregnancy and nursing. If her food is low quality this could be detrimental to her health and the health of her puppies.

A quality well-balanced food for pregnant and nursing bitches could cost between $1.70 and $5 a pound. 

Does Exercise Make a Difference to Feeding Costs?

The ideal amount of food your Rottweiler needs to keep him healthy depends on how active your dog is. Experts suggest you should feed your Rottweiler 2-3% of their ideal body weight per day. But this is ultimately dependent on exercise.

If your dog is active, he needs to eat 3% of his ideal body weight. If he is inactive, he will need only 2%.

The American Kennel Club says that, as drover’s dogs, Rottweilers should be active. If they get the chance to lie around the house all day, they will soon become overweight. An active lifestyle leads to a lean and muscular body that is ideal for a healthy Rottweiler.

If your Rottweiler is very active, he will need more calories in his diet. Very active or working dog needs between 5-25% more food than an inactive dog. If your dog’s activity level drops, it is important to lessen his food intake to avoid weight gain.

Do Rottweiler Puppies Cost More to Feed Than Adults?

Rottweiler puppies need to eat more often than adult dogs. Up until they are 8 weeks old they need 4 meals a day. This goes down to 3 meals a day at 16 weeks. Puppies need to eat between 2-3% of their adult body weight per day.

If you want your Rottweiler puppy to grow into a healthy adult, he needs good-quality puppy food. Studies of the best puppy food for Rottweiler puppies show an average cost of $1.65 a pound.

Choosing the best quality food for your Rottweiler puppy is a good investment.

Puppies need the right amount of protein, vitamins and fat to help them grow. And Rottweilers have lots of growing to do!

Large breeds such as Rottweilers don’t reach their full adult size until they are 2-3 years old. It is the healthiest option if a Rottweiler does not move onto adult food until he is fully grown.

Does Dry Food Cost Less than Raw Food?

Feeding your Rottweiler raw dog food is a healthy alternative to dry food, but:

  • Dry food is more cost-effective than raw food.
  • Raw food takes much more time to prepare than dry food.
  • Raw food such as meat, ground bone and eggs can have health risks such as E-coli and Salmonella.

A direct comparison between commercially-available raw and dry food shows considerable differences.

Findings suggest that a raw food diet can be up to 5 times more expensive than a dry food diet. Some owners agree that raw food is the most expensive option.

One owner found that raw food cost $2.31 a day more than dry food.

Other owners say that raw food can cost as little as $0.45-$0.90 a day. Some say that if you are willing to put more time into the preparation of raw food, it is better value for money.

The cheapest option is to prepare meat yourself, rather than buying it pre-prepared. This meat can cost $2-$3 a pound from a local butcher. It takes time to prepare, but pre-prepared meat can cost up to $4 a pound.

To achieve low-cost raw food, it is necessary to find a source of cheap meat. But cheap meat can be an unhealthy choice. If you can buy beef or lamb for $2 a pound, it is too cheap. For this price, the meat is likely to contain nothing but fat.

If your Rottweiler has too much fat in their diet, they could become obese. Obesity can lead to many health problems including, heart problems, osteoarthritis and cancer. An obese Rottweiler will also have a shorter life expectancy.

Experts suggest a mixture of raw and dry food can be best for Rottweilers. Vegetables, porridge and cottage cheese, add variety and nutrients to your Rottweiler’s diet.

It is estimated by some that feeding the average adult Rottweiler a mixed diet of raw and dry food costs $300 a month. This mixed diet is not a cheap option, but it is the best one if you want your Rottweiler to be healthy, happy and full of life.

Related Questions

How much do dog treats cost?

Store-bought dog treats cost between $15-25. Making your own dog treats at home can be a cost-effective alternative. These can cost as little as $5. Treats are beneficial when training your Rottweiler, but they are prone to obesity. So it is wise to keep treats to a minimum.

Do Rottweilers cost more to feed than other dog breeds?

Yes. Rottweilers are on the American Kennel Club’s list of top 10 “breeds that love to eat”. They are also middle of the pack in the most expensive dogs to own. This is only partly due to their size and appetite. Health problems also add a large amount to the cost of owning a Rottweiler. These health problems also contribute to the cost of feeding. A Rottweiler requires the highest quality dog to keep them healthy and free of illness.

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