How Much Does it Cost to Train a German Shepherd?

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A German Shepherd is notably one of the best dogs you could ever have. They are intelligent, fun, active, and loyal, making them a go-to for anyone looking for a top-notch dog to add to the fam. But one thing that every German Shepherd needs to go through is training. So what exactly can a German Shepherd owner expect when it comes to training their beloved best friend?

How much does it cost to train a German Shepherd? There are four main types of training available for German Shepherds. Here are the cost breakdowns:

  • Puppy training will be around $130
  • Basic obedience training around $160
  • Intermediate training around $250
  • K9/Advanced types of training can cost well over $1,000

Knowing the types of training available for your German Shepherd is crucial to his development. After all, you want to make sure you have a strong and healthy dog that is also using his intelligence for the greater good, right? We are going to discuss the different types of training you might consider for your German Shepherd along with cost and why you should consider training him.

Why You Should Train a German Shepherd

German Shepherds are known to be one of the top three smartest dogs in the entire world.

That makes them a great choice for families who are looking for a top-notch dog to be loyal and fun with the family, while also making them great choices for people who live on farms or need a therapy dog to assist them.

Their high intelligence makes it easy for German Shepherds to train, too.

This is a major plus as there are some dogs out there who simply refuse to train, and even when they are trained, they don’t want to listen. This can be annoying and troublesome to the pet owner who simply wants a well-behaved dog to have in their home.

However, aside from their high intelligence and ease of training, there is another reason why a German Shepherd should be trained:

An untrained German Shepherd can become rambunctious because they are not being mentally stimulated.

This means digging through the yard, being loud and noisy and otherwise irritating is a surefire trait for the untrained German Shepherd.

Types of Training to Consider for a German Shepherd

You need to think about training for your German Shepherd sooner rather than later. After all, trying to teach an older dog how to do simple tasks is way more of a challenge than starting with a fresh, eager brain like that found in a German Shepherd’s head.

There are four different types of training courses to consider when owning a German Shepherd, and the earlier one starts when your dog is as little as 8 weeks old. Here are the following training course options and why you should use them:

1. Puppy Class ($130)

If your puppy, between 8 weeks old and 11 weeks old, has had all of his vaccinations and is in good health than you can sign him up for puppy classes. These classes are highly beneficial to the overall growth of your German Shepherd, both mentally and emotionally. There is a multitude of things your puppy will learn in this 4-week class, including:

  • Socialization skills. Think of puppy class the same way you do as regular kindergarten for children. Your puppy will be around a whole bunch of other puppies and people and will learn to act and behave appropriately with them.
  • Behavior skills. A lot of puppies have the same issues: they bark too much, they incessantly whine, or they think that chewing every item in the home is a good idea. Well, puppy classes teach some basic behavior skills like not chewing up all the shoes and barking until your ears start ringing.
  • Housebreaking. Tired of your puppy peeing all over the house? Puppy classes will ensure that he knows how to use the toilet, and they will also give some insight on proper crate training so you can feel confident and comfortable leaving him for a little while.
  • Grooming. Some dogs simply hate being handled and groomed, but puppy class will allow him to understand and learn how to cope with being groomed. This is crucial for ensuring that your pup and adult dog’s fur stays nice and clean.

2. Obedience Training ($160)

The more commonly known obedience training is one that every German Shepherd will benefit from. In this type of class, your dog will learn some important skills to help him be the best dog he can be. Between 8 weeks and 6 months old, your dog can learn the following in obedience training:

  • Sit 
  • Down
  • Come
  • Stay
  • Name call
  • Heel
  • Leave
  • Greet

These are some basic obedience skills, and if you have trouble in a certain area at home, you and the trainer can work together to solve behavior problems in a proactive way. It is best to go with a group class so your dog can learn how to act around other dogs and people.

3. Intermediate Training ($250)

This is simply a more advanced version of the usual obedience training. In this unique class, your German Shepherd will be able to build up the skills he has already learned to become a more superior and efficient dog. Some things he might learn in intermediate training include:

  • Hand signals from near and far
  • Refusing food from strangers
  • Sitting down without any commands
  • Tons more

4. K9/Advanced Training

One thing unique to the German Shepherd that isn’t available or useful to other dogs is the fact that they can be trained for advanced jobs and specialties. German Shepherds can be used in the police force, military, as therapy or service dogs, or even hunters. 

This is due to the fact that German Shepherds are extremely intelligent and can learn quickly. They also obey commands without being stubborn, making them the ideal breed choice for top-notch jobs and services like these.

This type of training is not cheap.

A lot of the training classes for these types of jobs are well over $1,000, some marked as high as $10,000. It will take a lot of consideration and time before choosing to go with one of these training courses, but the payoff is wonderful.

Related Questions

What is the best age to start training a German Shepherd?

Immediately after you get him home. It’s important to start training a German Shepherd at a young age, especially when it comes to socialization. German Shepherds are extremely loyal and overprotective and may become aggressive if they are not socialized properly. Starting puppy classes at 8 weeks is highly recommended.

How long does it take to train a German Shepherd?

German Shepherds are one of the easiest dogs to train. Not only do they learn new things quicker than other dogs, but their loyal and obedient nature means they will not be resilient to training or obeying new commands. That being said, it should not take a German Shepherd long to be trained. In fact, they should be quicker than other dogs in the same training course.

Friendly reminder: every dog is different. While the majority of German Shepherds learn fast and are obedient, each dog has its own temperament and that should be considered.

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