German Shepherd Bite Force (in PSI)

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When searching for your perfect guard dog this may be a question of note. Though they hold a fearsome reputation, the German Shepherd Dog is a very intuitive and decisive companion. Their bite force is not the highest in the dog world (it’s about average, actually), but every single pound of pressure delivered will be done so with diligence and efficiency.

What is a German Shepherd’s bite force? 238 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) – more than enough pressure to keep a suspicious intruder securely locked to the wall. Worse, if they see fit.  As a herding dog, they cannot allow their bounty to give them the slip, and their formidable jaws do a superb job of controlling and commanding their target.

Every dog is different, but 238 PSI is a good guideline. Aside from bite force alone, there are a few other factors to consider when purchasing your new pup, so read on and we’ll discuss them below.

Will a German Shepherd Bite You?

A properly trained German Shepherd dog will never bite its owner. GSDs have an innate desire to please their master and will go to great lengths to do so.

Where some breeds may become confused in the midst of a melee the German Shepherd is smooth and calculating- a weapon of a best friend.

If the dog biting you or your loved ones is of concern for whatever reason you might want to read up on Ohio State University College of Medicine’s study which states that mixed breed dogs and pit bulls are among the most likely to bite.

This should always be taken with a grain of salt however as mixed breeds also work upon their specific cocktail of DNA as well as personal life experiences, and if your purebred German isn’t properly raised he may take issue with strangers. Even little strangers.

Proper and consistent training from the very first is absolutely imperative to the success and temperance of your GSD, so be highly aware before you commit that it will take dedication and a proper yard area and your pup will thrive with solid instruction.

Can a German Shepherd Break Bones With Its Bite?


There is a whole mess of science determining what factors break bones (you can read through it here), but the short answer is yes. A German Shepherd has far more than enough capability to destroy bone.

Depending on the type and makeup of the bone it could take as little as 25 pounds to snap a human appendage.

With a delivery of 238 PSI the German Shepherd will have nary an issue dispatching a violator’s skeleton should they see the need but are much more likely to use level-headed jurisdiction and subdue their intended suspect rather than destroying it.

Proper training, repetition, and patience will keep your buddy from delivering injury to others and hopefully out of quarantine.

Be warned though:

Your German Shepherd will continuously analyze any situation and mete out damage that is on par with the actions of your opponent.

If they perceive an intruder intends to severely maim or kill you or there’s no telling at what point they’ll stop defending.

GSD Socialization

One facet about this wonderful breed is that they are able to sort through many behaviors and situations and come out with their own idea of how the matter should be handled.

The German Shepherd is a professional when it comes to smooth operation, but you should never assume this comes from instinct alone.

Dogs are primal beings when left to their own devices. As all dogs are social pack animals your GSD will need a loving yet firm owner to patiently teach them the nuances of life and correct them when they get out of line.

This will take time but will lend great reward.

When it comes to lesser-known friends of the family, other dogs, or children it is in their nature to take a defensive stance.

This can be lessened with regular classes and persistent socialization but it is imperative that you never let someone else’s child near the dog alone.

If something were to go wrong and you weren’t right nearby you likely wouldn’t get there quickly enough to save anyone.

The GSD is a herding breed and is designed to protect whatever it considers it’s “flock”. This includes everything from sheep to its owners, to children, to baby ducklings. They take their job seriously.

Family Life

The German Shepherd has the instinct to guard, and that’s exactly what it does.

Anyone in your family or very close friends will be inside the dog’s ‘inner circle’ and he will defend them to the utmost of his capability.

The GSD is as loyal and faithful as they come and your kiddos will be able to snuggle and play with him within reason of course.

Indeed, it’s also a good idea to train the little ones how to respect animals properly.

He will take care of your family because it is what he is meant to do and knows no other way.

However, it would be folly to assume that because he acts this way toward your own brood that he will conduct his business the same way with strangers.

A highly inquisitive breed, oddballs will stir suspicion within the GSD and they will make it known. When bringing new people to the house it is of utmost importance to formally introduce your pet to new folks.

This way they know the outsider is on good terms with you, but they’ll still keep a watchful eye.

Is a GSD Right for You?

Obviously, if you have a sprawling piece of land and a working farm the German Shepherd would be a perfect choice and work wonders for your lifestyle.

GSDs indeed make an excellent choice under myriad different circumstances. 

Their unwavering commitment and loyalty paired with their extreme intelligence give them a huge advantage and ability to adapt and excel in any given environment. 

Aside from law enforcement and herding the German Shepherd can also be a fantastic service animal or assistant for lesser-abled people.

Their highly decisive brains and penchant for serving their master are of a quality almost unparalleled by other breeds and their trainability is only surpassed by the Border Collie and Poodle.

This means that with a specially trained pup your needs will be met in a manner that most canines could not achieve.

It should be noted though that the GSD is a highly energetic dog that requires plentiful exercise to keep healthy both physically and mentally.

If you have a disability that does not allow you to accompany him to play in the yard or an accessible doggie door, then accommodations will have to be made.

The German Shepherd Dog is of a hearty and thick lineage and is touted to be one of the most recognizable and useful breeds on the planet.

Their fierce loyalty, intelligence, and fearsome mug make them fantastic protectors for the family.

Instilling a stout training schedule, a soft voice, and a steady hand will get you far with the GSD.

Related Questions

How important is dog bite force?

Depending on what your dog is to be used for bite force can be of variable importance. The daily ins-and-outs of your loving pet’s repertoire are what determine how necessary a bite force is.

If you consider a Pitbull for instance -a canine that is considered to deliver huge amounts of bite force- by doing the research you’ll realize they only deliver a bite similar to what most dogs of its size can deal out.

So, an average bite force like that sported by the GSD is more than capable of handling most situations.

Where does the German Shepherd bred come from?

A high-ranking member of the German military was out in the fields one day and found himself appreciating the work of a lone herding dog off in the distance.

Being 1889 this was of course a breed of a more primal nature than the GSD of today, but Captain Max von Stephanitz stood in awe of how this beautiful creature worked its job to perfection, seemingly without needing any commands from its owner.

The Captain decided he must have it and purchased the dog, known then as Hektor Linksrhein. Through the years careful breeding and pedigree monitoring eventually precipitated what we know all around the world today as the German Shepherd.

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