Do Huskies Get Cold?

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Do Siberian Huskies get cold? No matter what type of dog breed you end up with as a pet, you want to make sure you are taking care of them the right way. And while things like nutrition and exercise are both incredibly important things to keep in mind, you should also be concerned about what types of temperatures your pup can be exposed to without harm.

So, do Huskies get cold? Yes. Even though a Husky was bred to pull sleds in sub-zero climates and they are able to survive in temperatures as low as -75 degrees Fahrenheit). However, that doesn’t mean that they should be left out in freezing temperatures. Having a nice dog house or bringing your Husky indoors is a good way to keep him healthy and strong.

You might question a lot of things when you have a Husky. After all, these brilliant, fierce dogs aren’t exactly as easy as all the others. The same is true for the temperatures they can be in and how you can always make sure that your dog is happy.

Do Siberian Huskies Get Cold?

When it comes to Huskies, it can be difficult to say whether or not they get cold. After all, they can’t exactly claw at the back door and tell you “Hey, owner, it’s freezing out here!”.

And since they are technically supposed to be used to cold weather, that means they won’t get cold, right?

Let’s break down the confusion a little bit, starting with why Huskies were originally bred:

The sole purpose for the Husky breed was to breed a dog that could take on the lightly loaded sled and be able to pull them for extremely long distances.

Not only that, but the Husky needed to do it in incredibly cold environments. Most of the time the expanse were frozen or covered in slush and temperatures could dip below 0 regularly.

That being said, you are probably thinking ‘no way can a Husky get cold outside’.

The majority of the population doesn’t live in sub-zero temperatures, and those that do, probably have their own pack of Huskies to help them out anyways.

Just because Huskies can stay outside in sub-zero temperatures without getting cold, doesn’t mean they should do it; and they certainly shouldn’t do it alone.

How do Huskies Stay Warm in the Cold?

Since Huskies were bred to be outside in sub-zero temperatures, their bodies and coats were designed to take on the extreme cold.

So how exactly does the Husky stay warm in the cold?

1. Huskies have a thick double coat

Unlike other breeds that may only have a single coat, the Husky has a double coat that is incredibly thick to keep them insulated.

Husky grooming can be a bear without the right tools. 😉

After Huskies lose their puppy coat, they typically shed twice a year when the seasons change so they can further adapt to temperatures better.

2. There is fur between their toes and all over their paws

We all know how intense it is to place your feet onto the snow, and it would be the same for the Huskies paws if they weren’t covered in fur.

His extra furry paws make it easy for him to traipse through the ice without worry.

3. They’re used to it

To put it simply, the Husky is used to cold weather; it’s in his genes.

This isn’t something that just simply disappears over time.

Even a Husky living in a warmer environment, like Arizona or Texas, will still know his roots and be prepared to handle icy weather in no time.

As you can see, it’s really no issue for the Husky to be in extremely cold temperatures without worrying. A snuggly double coat, ultra furry feet, and an inbred love for all things snow and coldness are what keeps these dogs happy in extreme temperatures.

Building a Dog House for Your Husky

Just because your Husky was designed to be outside in the cold doesn’t mean he should have to do it all the time.

When he is comfortable and ready to take on the chill while he’s exercising, that’s one thing. But when it’s time for your Husky to relax and take a break…he needs somewhere a bit cozier to lay his head.

But why?

When Huskies are pulling sleds through sub-zero temperatures they are warming their bodies up relatively quickly and extensively. Once that exercise comes to a halt, they desire somewhere a bit warmer to relax.

Out in their original environment, there was enough snow to create a little hole that would provide them with this much-needed warmth.

To make sure your Husky has a warm, safe place to sleep in, make sure your Husky has a well-insulated dog house in the backyard.

There are a few things to keep in mind when making the dog house:

  • Always include a door. While some dog houses are fine without one, your Husky needs one to protect him from piercing winds and snowstorms.
  • Make sure it’s big enough. Huskies are fairly large dogs, so you need to make sure there is enough room that he can be comfortable inside.
  • Keep it insulated. The point of having a dog house is to give your Husky a warm place to relax, and therefore, it needs to be well insulated. Do not use blankets or any other type of fabric as these can freeze. Instead, opt for hay or straw as these materials are absorbent and help to keep your pup warm.

Keep Him Inside

It’s no secret that Huskies thrive in cold weather, but all of that can change when you bring them into your home.

If you got a Husky as a puppy and they were, for the most part, trained to be inside, then they may have a more difficult time surviving the extreme cold temperatures outside.

That being said, if your dog is used to being indoors than keep him indoors as much as possible. Even Huskies that don’t spend a lot of time inside can use a break from cold temperatures and relax indoors for awhile.

Make sure you have a spot where your Husky can warm up and recharge inside the home.

Can Huskies Get Frostbite?

With a thick double coat and fur across their paws, it is unlikely that a Husky would ever get frostbite. They are able to withstand temperatures going below negative 75 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it doesn’t make it impossible, either.

If a Husky ever found himself in temperatures below negative 75 degrees Fahrenheit he might be in trouble.

This is especially true when he isn’t exercising and warming his body up. The likelihood of this is low, and not something that a pet owner should have to worry himself with.

Related Questions

Do Husky paws get cold?

No. With their excessively furry feet, their paws remain warm and snuggly, even when they are traipsing through cold snow and abrasive temperatures. The fur is located across the entirety of the feet, surrounding the pads that help them grip ice and slushy snow with ease. The paws are also referred to as being leathery, which only enhances the overall warmth of their paws.

Do Huskies like the snow?

Yes. Since Huskies are an arctic breed that was bred to be in the snow for the majority of their lifetime, it is no wonder that they are true lovers of the snow. You are likely to find a Husky, along with other arctic breeds, burrowing into the snow and rolling around in it. They are simply having the time of their life!

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