Do German Shepherds Bark a Lot? (a little?)

Dog Breeds List » Dog Breeds » Do German Shepherds Bark a Lot? (a little?)

German Shepherds have a reputation for being intimidating aggressive guard dogs. So before buying one, I wanted to know whether they tend to bark a lot, so I did some research on GSD barking tendencies.

So, do German Shepherds bark a lot? Yes. German Shepherds sure love to bark, whether it is to burn off energy or ward off an intruder. But they will also bark if they need your attention or are suffering from separation anxiety. Finding out the reason behind their barking is critical to controlling it.

Luckily, German Shepherds are incredibly intelligent creatures that can be trained to do almost anything. And yes, this includes putting their barking under control. Ignoring the problem or resorting to violence will only make your German Shepherd’s inability to control its barking worse, rather than fix it. Here’s what to do instead…

Why Does My German Shepherd Bark so Much?

Barking is a natural instinct for dogs. It is necessary for communicating with other dogs or humans.

That being said, German Shepherds can have a variety of reasons behind their barks:

  • Barking is a breed-specific function for them. German Shepherds howl, too, because they are wolf descendants who howl to communicate. They literally can’t help their desire to bark or howl, because it is ingrained in their blood.
  • German Shepherds who are under-exercised or ignored by their family will act out by barking. He’s begging for attention the only way he knows how…Woof, Woof!
  • If they feel that their territory is being threatened, they will bark at whoever they perceive to be a threat. It is in their nature to act territorial and dominant.
  • They will bark to say hello. They aren’t completely anti-social, you know.
  • Separation anxiety can also lead to barking. This is also coupled with destructive behavior such as biting and chewing on furniture.
  • German Shepherds will also bark if they spot an intruder or potential threat. According to Wag!, they can smell animals and people from miles away.
  • Your dog might be sick or injured. This is accompanied by other symptoms, such as refusing to eat or showing reduced energy.

Knowing why your German Shepherd is barking so much will help you find the best method for fixing it.

They may be trying to tell you something important.

Are German Shepherds Protective?

German Shepherds are often used for police work, military duty, search and rescue, and tracking.

Businesses, such as car lots, construction sites, and warehouse environments even use them as guard dogs.

So yes, they are naturally quite protective.

Their innate eagerness to please owners and perform tasks flawlessly make them great working dogs.

Alertness and courageousness are in their blood. They are also cautious around strangers and need to be given time to read them before deciding if they are safe or not.

But GSDs aren’t all business all the time.

German Shepherds can actually be quite loving and gentle. They can even serve as therapy dogs or emotional healing dogs due to their compassionate and selfless nature.

That being said, the traits that make them such excellent guard dogs can also make for a dangerous and fearful German Shepherd if it is not trained and socialized properly.

With all of these elements combined, it is no wonder that they are often used for high-stakes work. So, instead of trying to completely prevent your German Shepherd from ever barking again, you need to train your dog to keep its barking under control and to only do so under certain circumstances.

How Can I get My German Shepherd to Bark Less?

There are several methods you can employ to keep your GSD from barking too much. Each of these is a “positive” reinforcement training method that can help you build your relationship with your dog while fixing his barking problem.

  • Socialize your German Shepherd at a young age by exposing them to different people and pets. This will prevent him or her from perceiving all strangers as a threat, thereby dissuading them from charging or barking at others.
  • Teach him how to “speak” on command. When he has finished learning that command, teach him “quiet”. Practice by commanding him to “speak” before saying “quiet”. The next time your dog barks at a stranger passing by, you can use the “quiet” command. Positive reinforcement with treats will help make training easier.
  • Speaking of training, distracting your dog with obedience commands can mentally stimulate him enough to stop barking that stems from boredom or attention-seeking.
  • Toys to chew on and play with are also good distractors and boredom busters.
  • Align stressors with positive attributes. For instance, your German Shepherd may bark whenever the mailman comes around because he sees him as a threat. Every time the mailman comes around, give your dog a treat so that he can associate the stranger with something positive rather than negative.
  • Be sure to give him all the exercise he needs. Remember, German Shepherds will act out if they are bored and pent up with energy. A tired dog is not only a happy dog but a quiet dog.

Here’s a list of what not to do when trying to get your German Shepherd’s barking under control:

  • Yelling at your dog will not quiet him down, but instead, encourage him to keep barking. To him, you are joining in on the barking.
  • Hitting or kicking your dog is never okay. You will only scare him or her while instilling a sense of distrust in you.
  • Shocking him with a collar will make him more aggressive rather than complacent.

Why You Need to Invest in Training

Whether you hire a personal trainer, enroll in dog school, or handle the training by yourself, doing so is vital to creating a healthy relationship between you and your German Shepherd dog.

Failure to take time to train your dog can lead to:    

  • An increase in behavioral issues such as aggressiveness or violence
  • Lower sociability
  • Extreme stress and anxiety for your German Shepherd

Training your dog, however, will:

  • Help him develop a well-balanced temperament
  • Make him more sociable around other animals and humans

Related Questions

Are German Shepherds safe around children?

Despite their intimidating stature and serious demeanor, German Shepherds are good family dogs who can be trusted around children. However, they must be properly trained and socialized. Puppies that are still adjusting to their size or dogs that are still in training must be closely monitored if they are to be allowed around children.

Can I leave my German Shepherd alone during the day?

German Shepherds should not be left for longer than 8 hours at a time. Adult German Shepherds can be left alone for 4-6 hours whereas puppies should not be left alone for more than 2 hours. If you do need to leave your house for an extended period of time, try to keep your German Shepherd entertained with:

– A dog sitter or walker who can play with him and take him on long walks
– Distractions such as chew toys or even a view of the outside world from a window to make him feel less lonely
– Enrolling in doggy daycare

Are German Shepherds prone to violence and aggression?

No. It is easy to stereotype German Shepherds as dangerous dogs, due to their roles as guard dogs and police dogs. Untrained German Shepherds will display behavioral problems. So, while yes, they are prone to aggressive behavior, if they are properly trained they wouldn’t so much as hurt a fly. German Shepherds are magnificent dogs with glowing personalities. When trained well, they can be a great addition to any family.

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