Can Rottweilers Eat Raw Meat?

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Can Rottweilers eat raw meat? Rottweilers are indeed descendants of wolves, but most dogs have lost their wild instincts due to long-term selective breeding. Does this mean they’ve lost the ability to digest meat? Is it safe to feed your Rottweiler raw meat?

So, can Rottweilers eat raw meat? Yes, you can feed your Rottweiler raw meat. The main reason why some people worry about feeding raw meat is the bacteria that tend to grow on such proteins. It shouldn’t have any serious consequences as long as the meat is clean. As long as the meat is edible when cooked, your Rottweiler’s antibiotic saliva should take care of most of the bacteria that remain on the surface.

Though you can feed raw meat, it’s still important to remember that the dish for your companion should go through the right procedures and be the right amount in order to prevent any sickness. So first things first: how should you serve raw meat to your Rottweiler?

Can I feed my Rottweiler raw meat?

Can I Feed My Rottweiler Raw Meat? Yes!

Here’s how to serve raw meat to your Rottweiler:

1. Know Your Risks

Before feeding your Rottweiler a nice, large chunk of raw beef, make sure you know your risks.

Though not always, feeding your dog can cause different types of bacteria such as Salmonellas, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogene to harm your dog’s digestive system. Common symptoms of illnesses that arise because of these pathogens are vomiting and excessive drooling. 

Moreover, dogs today aren’t as sturdy as they used to be when they ran around the wild. This means that they must have owners take care of them by providing them with a balanced diet.

Experts recommend the 90-10 rule: 90 percent of the food you feed your companion should be commercial, legitimate dog food (best dog food for Rottweilers), while the other 10 can be treats (raw meat, raw fruits).

You should also consult a veterinarian, since experiences may vary depending on dogs.

Also, please take your dog’s activity into consideration. Active dogs tend to have strong immune systems with better antibiotic mechanisms (especially in their saliva). However, couch dogs tend to have weak digestive systems and feeble antibodies. Make sure to run a diagnostic test to minimize the risk of getting your companion sick!

2. Purchasing the Meat

Many Rottweiler owners like to go to the nearest butcher shop and ask for scraps or leftovers that they don’t usually sell to humans (because they’re either too small or don’t taste good to the human taste buds).

You can get these cuts of the meat for very, very cheap and the likelihood of contracting bacterial infections is equal to any other cuts, so I recommend you do this if you want to be economical!

If you have a local butcher shop that you usually visit, that’s even better because, at the least, sanitation is almost guaranteed. 

Sometimes, dogs, especially Rottweilers, prefer organ meat. Usually, organ meat is more full of flavor than the cuts that humans like to consume, making it the perfect snack for your companion.

Some of the more popular organ meats are kidney, liver, heart, and stomach lining. These parts are especially high in vitamin levels, meaning you don’t need very large portions for them. In fact, I recommend that you only feed it a few times a week.

3. Keeping the Area Clean

It’s important to make sure that you know where to let your companion satisfy its carnivorous appetite.

Many owners like to feed raw meat only in their backyards or designated spots to make sure the cleanup process is easy. Usually, raw meat is especially messy since it covers your dog and the surroundings with blood (if they’re not dried). 

A few tips that many owners use is to feed your dog outdoors or inside a crate where it may enjoy its food. In the crate, some people like to add a layer of tarp to make it easier to clean up.

Having these designated locations help your dog understand that not all pieces of raw meat in the house are for their enjoyment. This will ensure that your dog will not consume any other potentially dangerous meat that it wasn’t supposed to!

4. What to do if Your Rottweiler is Sick (Digestive System)

Take your companion to the veterinarian as soon as possible when the symptoms seem to spiral out of control.

However, if it’s obvious that the sickness isn’t threatening, you can give your dog’s digestive system a hand by avoiding raw and hard-to-digest food. Instead, make sure all of its meals are well-cooked to make sure no additional bacteria can cause harm. 

You should be feeding your dog softer food, like boiled potatoes or well-cooked chicken.

Avoid meals that are too salty or too strong in flavor, as bland diets help dogs digest food with ease. Aerve lean meat (if you have to), cooked white rice, and sweet potatoes.

Do not serve the usual meals that you serve your dog, and cut down on its portions until the sickness goes away! However, please be reminded that I recommend you check-in with a veterinarian whenever your dog shows symptoms of illnesses.

Raw Meat Alternatives: Dried!

Dogs love jerky treats.

In fact, because they are smoked, they are full of meaty taste.

With jerky treats, your companion will be able to experience the best of eating raw meat and avoid potential dangers that lurk with such a diet. Whether it be fish, pork, or beef, dogs enjoy the chewiness and meaty flavor that no dog treats can replicate.

Jerky for dogs is commercially available and accessible. However, if you would like to make sure that your dog doesn’t consume any other chemicals that are a part of the product, here is a way for you to cook homemade jerky treats for your best companion!

2. Beef Jerky

We’ll start with the classic: beef jerky.

You will need soy sauce, honey, freshly ground black pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic powder, onion powder, and, of course, beef.

First, it’s important to make sure that you’re purchasing ground up beef. This will save you a lot of time and from unnecessary investments in equipment.

Next, pour all the ingredients based with soy sauce (taste and adjust ingredients to make it taste good!).

Finally, dehydrate it before putting it in the oven! You will have an easy-to-make beef jerky by your hands in no time!

Beef jerky is perfect when you need a snack on a long road trip with your dog. It doesn’t smell bad, it’s portable, and your dog might really need the boost of sodium and protein to entertain its appetite when it’s stuck in a car for a long time!

3. Salmon Jerky

Salmon jerky is another type of jerky that’s very popular among dogs, especially Rottweilers, that is on the slightly more expensive end of the jerky treats.

For this treat, you need soy sauce, molasses, fresh lemon juice, black pepper, smoked salmon, and a dehydrator (since fish is very difficult to dry in a short amount of time).

Marinate the sliced pieces of smoked salmon in a sauce that is a mixture of molasses, soy sauce, and lemon juice. Before putting the salmon in the dehydrator, sprinkle some black pepper on top. After 4 hours on 145 degrees, your jerky should be ready to go! 

Salmon jerky pieces tend to be more full of iron than beef jerky. It’s not the best source for protein, but it’s great for some healthy fat that your dog might need for an energy boost!

Related Questions

What should a balanced meal look like for Rottweilers?

Balanced meals for adult Rottweilers are quite easy to achieve. Usually, 22 to 26 percent should be protein to make sure your Rottweiler stays strong and athletic. Moreover, it shouldn’t be eating less than 2100 calories per day if it’s active.

When should I feed my Rottweiler?

You should feed your puppy Rottweiler around two times a day, while your adult Rottweiler should be eating three to four, depending on how active it is.

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