Can Huskies Eat Eggs?

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Eggs are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are great for human beings. But what about your Siberian Husky – can Huskies eat eggs? With so many pet owners implementing human food into their dog’s diet, one major concern is whether or not they can consume eggs with you at breakfast time.

So, can Huskies eat eggs? Yes, eggs are perfectly safe for Huskies and can provide them with plenty of nutritional benefits. One egg a day is fine, unless your canine has pancreatitis or diabetes, in which this amount should be reduced. They can be served raw, scrambled, over easy, and more, but should not be served with any spices or seasoning.

If you’re thinking about tossing an egg to your Husky every now and then, you need to know how and when. Even more importantly, you should know when not to feed an egg to your Husky.

Can Siberian Huskies eat eggs?

What Are the Nutritional Benefits of Eggs for a Husky?

There are truly so many benefits to feeding your Husky eggs.

Aside from being a complete source of all essential amino acids necessary for building protein, eggs provide the following:

  • Vitamin D: This important vitamin is essential for proper bone growth. That being said, eggs are even more beneficial when served to a young pup or an aging Husky.
  • Vitamin B12: Responsible for keeping all of the nerves and blood cells strong and healthy.
  • Vitamin A: This vitamin in particular works to help the organs and immune system work at their highest capacity.
  • Riboflavin: Important ingredients responsible for metabolism and can be a great way to improve a sluggish Huskies personality.
  • Selenium: Amazingly enough, selenium is actually an antioxidant that protects from radicals that are harmful to the body- even dogs.
  • Iron: Without enough iron you can end up with a deficiency of red blood cells. Consuming iron is important, especially for your Husky.
  • Folate: Otherwise known as folic acid, folate helps to promote the growth of healthy cells in the body.

It’s pretty clear that eggs have a multitude of ingredients that are beneficial to your Husky. Adding an egg a day to your dog’s diet can have a very positive impact on their diet and overall well-being.

How Should You Serve Eggs to a Husky?

There’s actually a lot of different ways you can serve an egg to a Siberian Husky. Some of the most ways to serve include the following:

1. Scrambled Eggs

This is a classic breakfast staple in almost everybody’s homes. They are quick to whip up in a matter of minutes and you can share your hearty scrambled eggs with your pup with ease. Toss a piece of bread or veggies on the side, just like you would do for yourself.

2. Omelette

Yes, even your Husky can enjoy a beautifully crafted omelette. Make your omelette as you normally would, and don’t be afraid to add in plenty of vegetables. Remember, your dog can benefit from vegetables, too. Why not make him a healthy breakfast packed full of nutrients?

3. Hard Boiled

This may be the easiest way to feed your Husky an egg. Simply boil the egg, let it cool, and toss it at your dog. He’s sure to enjoy it!

Tip: You can also chop up the hard boiled egg into small pieces to use as treats. It works like a charm as an excellent alternative to regular treats that may not be as nutritious.

4. Grind Up the Shells.

This option is certainly one you won’t hear every day.

But did you know that egg shells have loads of calcium that can benefit your dog?

Grind up the shells into powder and dust it on top of your dog’s food for an extra dose of calcium in every bite.

5. Don’t Bother With the Spices

While you may enjoy having salt, pepper, and other tasty spices and seasonings on your eggs, they should be avoided when being served to your dog.

A lot of spices and seasonings will have a negative impact on your dog’s health.

It’s best to just avoid them.

In an excessive amount of sodium is also bad for your dog.

Even if you think that eggs aren’t the same without a splash of salt, it shouldn’t be used for your Husky. This can cause a whole mess of problems for your canine.

Can You Serve a Husky Raw Eggs?

As a human, the thought of eating a raw egg will likely make you sick. For your Husky, though, it sounds like a delicious snack they will love to consume.

But is it safe?

Huskies are naturally made to be able to consume raw foods without problems. Serving raw eggs should be fine nine times out of ten.

It will still provide your dog will all of the nutrients and minerals they would get from a cooked egg. In fact, they will get more.

Cooked eggs are very nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals.

But did you know that cooking eggs actually destroys a lot of these vitamins, minerals, and amino acids?

That being said, it’s safe to serve your Husky raw eggs- and you will be happy to know they’re getting such a big burst of nutrition.

There is some caution, though.

Keep in mind that there will likely be one ‘bad egg’ out there that ends up causing your dog some distress.

While it’s very unlikely, it can still happen.

The best way to avoid this is to buy organic, free range eggs. 

How Often Should You Feed a Husky Eggs?

Eggs are so beneficial and nutritious to your canine, they can be served every day!

If you’re not feeding him the best dog food for Huskies, you can look into replacing their normal ‘dog food breakfast’ with a nutritional option such as eggs, vegetables, fruit – like apples, a piece of meat, or a piece of bread.

However, in some circumstances you need to limit egg consumption once or twice a week.

Dogs who have pancreatitis or diabetes should not consume more than one to two eggs a week.

Eggs have a lot of fat which will impact pancreatitis and make the condition worse. Eggs are also packed with loads of cholesterol, which a dog with diabetes should try and avoid.

Keep in mind that eggs are very high in calories.

As Huskies tend to love eggs, they may want to over consume the recommended amount. This can sometimes to weight gain and eventually obesity in your dog, so it’s best to limit egg consumption to no more than once a day.

Lastly, make sure that eggs aren’t having a negative impact on your dog’s stomach. While it’s highly unlikely that your Husky will have gas and diarrhea from eggs, it’s still possible.

Keep an eye on your dog after his first time consuming an egg. If nothing happens, you’re in the clear to enjoy eggs with your dog every morning.

Related Questions

Is it okay to put raw eggs in dog food?

Yes, putting a raw egg on top of your dog’s food is an excellent option. This adds a large dose of nutritional value to their meal. Remember to limit raw eggs to once or twice per week. The other times he should be consuming cooked eggs.

Can Huskies eat duck eggs?

Yes. In fact, this is a far better option than choosing chicken eggs. For one they contain far more vitamins, minerals, and protein. Secondly, they have a lesser chance of causing stomach upset to dogs.

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