Are Rottweilers Good Guard Dogs?

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Are Rottweilers good guard dogs? Many dogs look to the Rottweiler because they have a fierce appearance, a muscular, threatening build, and a personality that just won’t quit. But while these dogs may have the appearance of a ‘big bad dog’, does that necessarily make them good guard dogs? Are they limited to aggressive behaviors, or can they guard the family?

So, are Rottweilers good guard dogs? Yes, Rottweilers are great guard dogs. Their size, build, personality, and history add up to make them one of the top picks for guarding. They should have proper training, though, to make sure they aren’t simply aggressive towards everyone and have the ability to attack only when necessary.

If you are thinking about getting a Rottweiler as a guard dog, then you need to know the facts. It isn’t as cut-and-dry as you might think. A lot goes into why these dogs are set up to be top-notch guarders but making sure they become good guards is a whole other issue. We’re going to discuss how your Rottie can easily become the guard dog you’ve always dreamed of.

Why Rottweilers Are Naturally Good Guard Dogs

It’s true- the fierce and ferocious Rottweiler is naturally a top pick for being a guard dog. This is thanks to a number of different reasons, including:

  1. Their Size
  2. Their Build
  3. Their Temperament and Personality, and
  4. Their History

Let’s take a closer look at each of these qualities:

1. Their Size 

It’s no secret that Rottweilers are one of the biggest, most intense breeds.

In fact, the males can be as heavy as 130 pounds while the females typically tap out at around 110 pounds. This is huge, considering a lot of kids in elementary school won’t reach weights that are that steep.

To put it simply, the Rottweiler is a larger-than-life dog and his size alone is enough to scare off potential intruders.

Think about it- you wouldn’t want to come face-to-face with a Rottweiler that’s close to 130 pounds, would you? We didn’t think so.

2. Their Build

Aside from their size and weight, the Rottweiler breed is also known for their muscular builds. Combining their large size with muscles from head to toe, the dog is certainly intimidating.

Of course, it’s important to make sure that your Rottie is exercised often to ensure his muscles stay in tip-top condition.

3. Their Temperament and Personality 

The Rottweiler has a reputation of being a bold, fierce, and aggressive dog; and for the most part, that’s true.

But they are also naturally protective and have a deep love and admiration for their families. That being said, it’s not all rough and tough with the Rottweiler.

But having a naturally dominant personality with a protective attitude sets the Rottie up to be a great guard dog.

4. Their History

If you know why the Rottweiler breed was made in the first place, it becomes more clear why this breed enjoys being a guard dog.

The Rottie was originally bred to be a guard dog over the farms.

They kept the animals from running away off the farm, while also ensuring that no intruders came to disrupt the farm or those who lived there.

How to Make Your Rottweiler a Great Guard Dog

Just because the Rottie breed is supposed to be a great guard dog, and they naturally have an instinct to do so, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything on your behalf.

In fact, without proper training, Rotties can become incredibly aggressive and approach people they aren’t supposed to, such as the mailman.

Keep in mind there is a big difference between a guard dog and an attack dog- and you need to teach your Rottweiler the difference.

Rottweilers must be properly trained to ensure that they are safely guarding the home.

Training will also keep your Rottweiler safe around your family, too, which is important- especially with small kids.

1. Rottweilers Need Basic Training

Rottweiler guard dog training

You should always start off with basic training, especially at an early age.

The earlier you start the training, the better your Rottweiler will respond. Basic training will be the building blocks for your Rottweiler’s guard training, learning important skills like ‘sit’.

2. Move on to Guard Training

The next step to ensuring your Rottweiler is a top-notch guard dog is to put him in a special guard training course. Here, your dog will learn the difference between attacking and merely guarding.

It’s always best to go professional when doing guard training, as the trainers are more likely to teach the dog the best way to guard over your home and family.

It’s also recommended to use a professional trainer to ensure that they can be dominant with the dog.

Rottweilers are known for being dominant. You, as the owner, need to be dominant as well so your dog doesn’t end up running the household.

With training, it’s even more important that your dog is with someone who is confident and secure in what they are doing so your dog will respond appropriately.

3. Rottweiler Bite Training is Important!

There is another thing to consider when it comes to properly training your Rottweiler:

Bite training.

Bite training teaches your Rottweiler to not bear all of his might when biting. Instead, he will not use all of his force, to scare intruders instead of seriously harming them.

Of course, in the case he does need to seriously harm someone, that’s where guard training comes into play.

4. Make Sure He is Exercised Regularly

Rottweiler guard dog - exercise is important

Another thing to consider is that your Rottweiler needs to have ample amounts of room to run and play and should be exercised often.

Rottweilers don’t make good apartment dogs, as they need space to roam. They should also be exercised often. Consider taking your Rottie for a run in the morning and a walk in the afternoon.

There are a variety of other ways to make sure your Rottweiler is getting enough exercise, too. They enjoy playing games with their owners, such as fetch and tug-of-war.

You should also make sure that there are toys that are mentally stimulating readily available to your pet. Without physical and mental stimulation, Rottweilers can become more aggressive than normal.

Should You be Scared of Rottweilers?

When it comes to Rottweilers, it’s all about proper training.

Proper training will ensure that your Rottie doesn’t become an aggressive pet that is quick to rush at strangers. Instead, he will be wary of strangers until you inform him otherwise.

A trained Rottweiler can be a great family pet as well as a guard dog and shouldn’t be anything to fear (but pay attention when around small children due to their larger size).

Related Questions

Are female Rottweilers good guard dogs?

It’s important to note that there may be a slight difference between male and female Rottweilers. Male Rotties tend to be on the more aggressive and dominant side and may attack more than usual. Females, on the other hand, maybe a bit more timid- although they can still be incredible guard dogs without as much risk of them harming another person or dog.

What are the top 10 guard dogs?

Rottweilers aren’t the only great guard dogs. However, they, of course, make the top 10 list. Amongst the top 10 guarding breeds include:
– Akita
– Belgian Malinois
– Bullmastiff
– Doberman Pinscher
– German Shepherd
– Giant Schnauzer
– Great Pyrenees
– Pitbull
– Rottweiler
– Siberian Husky

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