Are Pugs Good Family Dogs?

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When I was considering getting a new dog for the family recently, I wondered are Pugs good family dogs? I decided to do some research to see if Pugs will get along well with families that have children.

So, are Pugs good family dogs? Yes! Pugs are playful, affectionate and intelligent dogs. They often form strong bonds with their humans. They are also loyal companions. Pugs will get along well with children and other animals if they are socialized as puppies. They have a great sense of humor and they love showing off for attention. These small-sized dogs are quiet. They are not too active indoors, which is perfect for families who live in apartments.

There are important information to remember for you to take good care of your Pug. You should nurture it and help it develop into a beloved family dog who gets along with everyone. From how to groom Pugs to health issues to look out for, here are some tips.

Why do Pugs Make Good Family Dogs?

Pugs are adorable dogs. People often smile at their comical expressions. With round faces, wrinkly skin and big expressive eyes, it is hard not to fall in love with them.

It does not matter if you are young or old, Pugs are endearing, with unlimited love to give to their owners. They want nothing more than to spend as much time as possible with their humans.

You will find your Pug welcoming you home each day, jumping on you to get your attention. If you are reading on a couch or watching TV, you can be sure to find your Pug snuggling beside you or sitting on your lap. Pugs enjoy a good cuddle and patting, so be sure to give her lots of hugs and kisses every day.

They are also eager to please.

You can dress your Pug up and it will soak up all the attention lavished on it.

Pugs are very gentle dogs. They generally do not bite and are mostly harmless.

This makes Pugs safe to have around children.

Pugs do not mind the rough handling from young kids, but as puppies they tend to be fragile. If you have a young Pug at home, you should supervise your children when they play with the dog to ensure it is not hurt. Pugs are patient with children and enjoy playing games like running around the house. If your family has kids, you can create play moments with your Pug for bonding.

Being loyal and protective of its family and home, Pugs can make steadfast watchdogs. They do not bark unless necessary. If there is a stranger in the house, your Pug can become loud and noisy.

Being curious, Pugs love discovering new environments and things. They are fast learners who might sometimes be stubborn. It will take time and patience to get your Pug to listen to your commands.

Pugs are capable of feeling emotions, so you should take care not to make her feel left out or jealous.

Depending on its environment, your Pug can go from exuberant to mellow and laid-back. They are low maintenance dogs who enjoy taking long naps.

You can (sparingly) leave your Pug at home for hours, if you need to work or go out of the house to run errands.

How to Care for Your Family Pug

Pugs are famous for having a big personality despite their small size.

On average, a Pug can weigh between 14 and 18 pounds. Their individual height ranges from 10 to 13 inches. A Pug can live up to 13 years and sometimes more, especially if you take very good care of it.

This breed is generally black, silver or fawn in color, with a fine coat that is short, smooth and glossy. They tend to shed all year round.

If you want to own a Pug, be prepared to vacuum…a lot.

You can also keep a good lint roller handy to pick up hairs from your clothing and furniture.

Some Pugs shed so much that their loose hairs get trapped in the coat. If these hairs are not removed, they end up blocking the pores and your Pug will end up with a bad body odor.

To avoid having your Pug stink up the house, you should brush it routinely to remove loose hairs. This can also keep the shedding under control.

To make sure your Pug smells nice, you can bathe her 1-2 times per month to keep the coat in optimal condition. Since the Pug is not too big in size, cleaning it in a bathtub or kitchen sink should be easy.

You should also brush your Pug’s teeth, trim its nails and clean its ears often.

Pugs have a sturdy, compact body with firm muscles and a wide chest. They also have short-muzzled faces with wrinkly skin. The wrinkles are not so visible when the Pug is young. They become more obvious as she matures.

You need to pay attention to cleaning/drying your Pug’s facial wrinkles because if the folds are damp or dirty, they become susceptible to infection.

Dry these wrinkles thoroughly, especially after giving your Pug a bath. Using cotton balls or a small towel are good ways to clean and dry these wrinkles.

Pug-Specific Health Concerns

Your Pug might face a few health concerns which you should be aware of. Because of her short skull and the lack of a long nose, your Pug might have breathing problems.

It is also unable to regulate its body temperature. All dogs cool down by letting moisture evaporate from their tongues. A Pug is unable to do that well. This makes them especially sensitive to heat and humidity.

Due to these factors, you should not over-exercise your Pug or expose it to extreme conditions. If you need to go out with your Pug on a hot day, make sure to give it plenty of water. Try to stay in the shade as much as possible so she will not get heat stroke.

Pugs love to eat.

They have zero self control when it comes to food. Without enough exercise, they tend to become obese. Even worse if their owners overindulge them.

Overweight Pugs encounter more breathing difficulties.

She will have joint or bone issues.

She might even face a higher chance of becoming sick with diseases that will shorten its lifespan.

I repeat:

Watch the feeding of your Pug!

Give your Pug the highest quality dog food that you can afford. Aim for a balanced diet that will go towards enriching its health.

When it comes to dog food, remember: You get what you pay for!

How to Socialize Your Pug as a Family

Socializing your Pug when it is young will go a long way in ensuring it grows up to become a stable, well-rounded dog.

When choosing your Pug puppy, look for one that is not extreme in its behavior.

Especially if you’re a first time dog and/or Pug owner.

You will do fine with a playful, even-tempered puppy. Try not to choose one who is bullying its siblings or cowering in a corner, being anti-social.

When you bring your puppy home, immediately expose her to a variety of experiences. Let her meet all kinds of people from all age groups, see different things and listen to new sounds.

Create positive encounters with other humans and animals in your family and neighborhood. Bring her to as many places as you can.

By all means, turn this into a family activity.

Go to the park, arrange play dates with other dogs, and even bring it onto the public transport if possible. If you have children, get them to take part in socializing the new puppy so they can bond with her as well.

All these exercises will help your Pug to develop into a friendly and relaxed adult dog. It will not turn out to be aggressive or fearful of others. You will end up with a confident companion who gets along with everyone…a Pug who is an integral part of your family.

Related Questions

Do Pugs snore?

Yes. Pugs are brachycephalic dogs. Their short snouts and flat faces can make breathing difficult. This is why you often hear Pugs snort, even when they are not sleeping. When Pugs sleep, the snoring can be so loud that it wakes up the entire household. Use ear plugs if you are a light sleeper or try not to sleep together with your Pug in the same room. You can also try to change the sleeping position of your Pug, get her a No products found., or put a pillow under her head. These methods might lessen the snoring.

Can Pugs swim?

Pugs are not natural swimmers. They do not paddle well in the water and are unable to do so horizontally. They tend to tilt their heads up too high in the attempt to breathe through their flat faces. This puts them in a vertical position, which immediately causes them to sink. Swimming also leads the Pug to over-exert itself. This will cause shortness of breath. Since the Pug already has trouble breathing, you should avoid letting your Pug swim.

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