Why Does My Rottweiler Sit on Me?

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Why does my Rottweiler sit on me? Rottweilers are known to be one of the biggest and boldest breeds with an intimidating appearance. But just because some might think they are a tenacious breed, doesn’t mean that they can’t be lovable balls of fluff, too. If your Rottweiler tends to spend more time on your lap than right next to you, you’re likely wondering why.

So, why does my rottweiler sit on me? Your Rottweiler may end up sitting on you, rather than beside you, for a number of reasons. They are either doing it to show love and affection, to spread his scent over you and claim you, he is eager to play with you, he’s reverting to his natural herding instincts, or he is displaying some sort of dominance.

If you’re wondering why your Rottweiler keeps ending up in your lap, then you have come to the right place. We are going to take a closer look at the five distinct reasons why your Rottweiler spends a whole lot of time on you, whether it is in your lap or on top of your feet. We’ll also be discussing how to properly handle each situation for the best results.

Why Does My Rottweiler Sit On Me?

Anyone who has a little Rottie puppy knows that they are tons of fun and having them on your lap can be the sweetest thing! After all, Rottweilers aren’t typically ‘known’ to be snugglers, so having your sweet little furry child snuggle up in your lap can seem like something dreams were made of.

However, as your Rottweiler becomes a big beast of an adult, having him hop into your lap while you are relaxing on the couch doesn’t seem like the greatest idea. And with that said, you’re likely to wind up completely out of breath and begging your furry best friend to move to the side.

Well, there are actually a few reasons why your Rottweiler prefers to sit on you rather than next to you. Typically a Rottweiler will end up sitting on your feet more often than your lap, although each is possible. Even with a comfy dog bed nearby, he will still prefer to plop himself on top of his owner’s feet. But why?

1. He is Showing Love and Affection

The obvious reason why your Rottweiler is getting up close and personal is because he loves you and wants to show you. There are a few different ways a Rottweiler shows affection, such as licking, wagging his tail, and ‘purring’ (which isn’t quite like a cat’s purr, but is actually quite similar and has a low grumbling note to it).

Of course, aside from these affectionate gestures, plopping in your lap or on your feet is another sign of love from your Rottie. If you can take it, the best thing to do is to let him snuggle with you and feel happy that you were blessed with a loving Rottie rather than one who doesn’t really want too much to do with you.

However, if he is causing too much pain or discomfort, you can always lovingly redirect your Rottweiler to sit next to you, rather than on top of you. Gesture his head to come to lay in your lap. This way your Rottweiler can still remain affectionate without crushing your spleen.

2. He’s Spreading His Scent on You

We all know that a dog loves to spread his scent in order to claim his territory. And you, being his loving owner, are a part of his territory. Sometimes a Rottweiler will plant himself on your body and feet for the simple reason to spread his scent all over you and claim you as his own.

This is a natural instinct of any dog. Of course, it might not be the most comfortable thing in the world, though. But typically your dog won’t need to keep reasserting himself all over you in an attempt to claim you.

3. He Wants to Play

Sometimes your Rottweiler is bored and wants to have some fun! If you notice that your Rottweiler comes to lay on your lap the second you get home from a long day at work, it may be that he is eager to play with you and the best way to get your attention is to plop on top of your feet. He’s likely looking up at you with an eager, playful set of eyes, too.

The obvious solution to this is to play with your Rottweiler!

Go out for a game of fetch or a little bit of tug-of-war. There’s limitless possibilities when it comes to playtime with your energetic Rottweiler, so get out there and get active and he won’t be as determined to get your attention.

4. He is Reverting to His Natural Herding Instinct

Your Rottweiler is naturally a herding dog, so sometimes he wants to snuggle up on your lap to indulge in his instincts.

There is not too much you can do about this particular situation, rather than redirecting him to lay beside you instead of on top of you.

5. He’s Being Dominant

This is a problem you need to be aware of. Sometimes the bold and fierce Rottweiler will sit on top of you out of dominance, which can possibly lead to some other aggressive behaviors if not dealt with correctly.

If you believe your Rottie is on top of you in order to establish dominance over you, then you need to redirect him immediately. This should be done in a loving but stern voice. Essentially, you want to show your furry friend that you are in charge- not him.

Don’t be aggressive with your Rottie, though; they don’t typically respond to this type of behavior.

Some other signs of dominance you need to look out for are:

  • Your dog is being overly pushy with people and other animals.
  • He is attempting to steer people or animals in a specific direction under his control.
  • He is licking obsessively.

The best way to deal with a dominant Rottweiler is to have them trained- and the earlier, the better. This is true for all dogs, but even more so for the Rottie breed that tends to be a bit more on the tenacious side. He should also be socialized at a young age to get used to dealing with other people and animals in a calm manner.

Related Questions

How do you know if your Rottweiler loves you?

Rottweilers show love like most other dogs, although this breed is notorious for loving licks on the face and purring almost like a cat. The Rottie will also wag his tail around you, have an obvious happy face, and will want to play and interact with you. They will also lay on your lap and feet regularly, although as we mentioned earlier, this can be due to other reasons too.

Do Rottweilers get separation anxiety?

Yes. With the Rottweilers being strong, big dogs, you might think that they won’t end up with separation from their owners. But the fact of the matter is, separation anxiety is the most common type of anxiety found with Rottweilers. And since he’s big and bad, you don’t want this to occur or he may end up doing a lot of unnecessary damage because he’s upset.

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