Why do Rottweilers Grumble (Purr Like a Cat)?

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I’m in a lot of dog groups on the Internet and a Rottweiler mom recently mentioned she was concerned about her new puppy grumbling. I’d never heard of such a thing so I did some research and it turns out that Rottweilers DO grumble. Maybe even more than old people. 🙂

But why do Rottweilers grumble? Rottweilers (or Rotties) grumble because they are happy or content. It’s a Rottie’s version of a cat’s purr. It can also sound like rumbling deep in the dog’s throat. Not all Rottweilers grumble, but enough so that it’s a familiar characteristic of the breed.

Rottweilers are mis-categorized and labeled as vicious guard dogs. They are on many aggressive dog breed bans. In reality, they are lovable, easygoing, loyal dogs who want to protect their four-legged pack. The big, strong dogs came from humble beginnings.

why do Rottweilers purr like a cat?

When do Rottweilers Grumble?

Many dog breeds have adorable behavior quirks.

Weimaraners, for example, suck on blankets or toys to self-soothe. Their owners call it “nooking” and very few other breeds do it.

Rottweilers are so often thought of as monsters that it is hard to envision them doing something endearing, and yet, that’s what their owners would call it.

Despite being dedicated guard dogs, Rotties don’t actually bark that much. Instead of vocalizing in barks, they are vocal with grunts, grumbles and slobber.

A whole. Lot. Of slobber.

So, if you’re sitting on the couch, petting a Rottweiler and you start to hear a rolling grumble, don’t panic! The pup is just trying to communicate to you that they are happy and your scratches are hitting all of their favorite spots.

If you’re not sure if the Rottie is growling in an aggressive way or grumbling from contentment, briefly stop petting them. Most dogs will gently (and not-so-gently) paw you in protest. Sometimes they will grumble/whimper if in pain.

Some Rotties grumble when they are playing, too, but they might be play growling instead.

How do you tell the difference between a real growl and a play growl?

Grumble or Growl?

If you’re a new dog owner, you may not be able to differentiate between real growling and play growling. Dogs are actually easier to understand than humans because their bodies react instinctively, meaning dogs can’t lie.

When your dog exhibits behaviors that could be aggressive, but you’re not exactly sure (barking excessively or growling) look at the dog’s body language.

When dogs are afraid or threatened, the fur on their back (hackles) rise and they put their ears back. If your dog is showing signs of either of those things, back off.

If your dog is grumbling while baring his teeth or curling his lip, that’s…not Elvis…that is a growl.

Stop whatever behavior you’re doing or use caution!

These visual cues are easy to recognize, especially if your dog was completely calm only moments ago.

You can use these body language cues to tell the difference between a play growl and a real growl.

If you have two dogs playing together, it can be more difficult to determine if they are playing or if a scuffle is about to break out.

Some dogs play together like they are trying to murder each other. Other dogs ‘smile’ by baring their teeth and they mean it in a completely harmless way. It’s something owners have to learn about their specific dog’s personality.

Why are Rottweilers so Protective?

Rottweilers are a breed that used to be protecting cattle and livestock as “drovers”.

Yes, this fierce watchdog used to herd cows. Part of the job was also guarding their flock against predators and other dangers.

Rotties may be given jobs on police forces or in the military now, they’ve never lost that instinct to guard.

While the breed is normally quiet, calm and gentle, they can also be territorial and protective.

Especially if their family is being threatened.

Even if the threat is a leaf blowing across the yard.

Are Rottweilers Family Dogs?

Rottweilers have a “tough guy” image, so it’s hard to believe they can be anything else.

However, they are sensitive, affectionate and loyal to their families. Their laid-back attitudes allow them to adapt to their environment.

While Rotties can be tolerant and gentle with children, it’s important to remember that they are still a very powerful dog.

One problem you might encounter with Rotties and children is that Rotties are clumsy and accidentally knock over children (and adults.)

If a Rottie is properly trained not to jump and children are trained not to aggravate the dog, they can get along just fine.

Rottweilers are very social animals who can be clingy.

Known as “velcro dogs”, many large breeds have to be where their humans are at all moments, even in the bathroom.

Related Questions

Why do Rottweilers lean?

Rottweilers prefer to be as close to people as they can possibly get. They also have instincts of herding dogs. When herding livestock, the dogs would lean against the animals to move them into a specific direction. So, when a Rottie leans against you, they are trying to herd you and cuddle you at the same time.

They are also klutzes. From time to time, they might lean into you to keep their balance, especially as puppies. Leaning against their owners is one of the traits of so-called “velcro dogs”.

It’s cute and adorable and… a little dangerous. Chances are your Rottie weighs almost as much as you do. The unexpected weight against you can knock you off balance. That applies to any large dog. With little dogs, you have the opposite problem — they trip you. Can you even call yourself a dog owner if your dog has never given you a bruise or two?

Are Rottweilers lazy?

No. Rottweilers may seem lazy because they are mellow dogs that like to sleep a lot. But being laid-back isn’t the same as being lazy. Rotties love nothing more than to have a job to do. It is how they exercise to maintain their muscles and keep their minds stimulated.

It’s your job to exercise or play with your Rottie because otherwise, they will entertain themselves in destructive ways that you won’t like. The breed has a high metabolism, which means they need a lot of food.

How much should I feed my Rottweiler?

It depends on if your Rottie is a puppy or full-grown. Puppies need to be fed small amounts of food several times a day until they can handle larger meals. The average Rottweiler puppy is between 75 and 130 pounds, depending on size.

The general recommended food guidelines for all full-grown dogs is 2-3% of their ideal weight. So, if your Rottie weighs 100 pounds, you would feed them 2-3 pounds per day. Many vets suggest breaking that up into two or even three feedings per day to prevent bloat.

Bloat is when the dog’s stomach fills with trapped gas or air. In more serious cases, the stomach twists and cuts off the blood supply. Dogs with deep chests, such as Rottweilers, are especially prone to bloat. Precautions to prevent bloat include not exercising your dog right before or right after meals, not using raised food bowls and feeding several small meals throughout the day instead of one large meal.

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