Can German Shepherds Eat Eggs?

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Can German Shepherds eat eggs? Because of the associated health benefits, GSD owners are starting to feed their dogs a lot more raw human food. Fruits, vegetables, and meats are all coming into play when it comes to feeding your German Shepherd. But what about other protein and nutrient sources like eggs?

So, can German Shepherds eat eggs? Yes, and they are a great source of protein and vitamins for your canine. Eggs can be served anywhere between 4 and 7 times a week. They can be served raw or cooked, but should not have any added spices or seasonings to avoid tummy upset.

Knowing that your German Shepherd can enjoy a plate of scrambled eggs alongside you in the morning is good news for any pet owner. But you need to know why eggs are a great addition to your dog’s diet, and what the right way to serve them is. We’re going to break down all the must-know info when it comes to German Shepherds and eggs.

Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

German Shepherds are known for being energetic and needing plenty of activity spaced throughout their day to keep them happy. Alongside being energetic dogs, they also have great mental capacity and are known for their intelligence.

That being said, a German Shepherd needs a lot of protein to sustain their mind and body.

What’s a great source of protein?

Eggs, of course!

Eggs are loaded up with a whopping amount of protein as well as vital vitamins and minerals that can surely help with your German Shepherd’s overall well being.

Some of the biggest benefits of your pet consuming eggs include:

  • Protein. This is imperative for ensuring that your dog maintains his muscle tone and helps build his muscles and tissues, especially as he grows older. It’s also imperative to ensure he can keep up with his physical and mental activities. 
  • Vitamins. Inside every egg, you will find a hearty dose of vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin B12. You will also find Riboflavin. All of these essential vitamins ensures your dog will grow up to be healthy and strong, reducing his chances of potentially life-threatening illnesses and cancers in the meantime.
  • Minerals. Now, your dog will actually need to consume the shell to get the mineral benefits of the egg, but it’s safe to give these to dogs (especially if they are crushed up like powder and placed on top of food). The shell has nutrient-dense minerals including zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, and selenium, which are all highly beneficial to your dog.

To put it simply, eggs are a powerhouse food source for German Shepherds and are certain food you want to add to their diet immediately.

How to Feed Eggs to Your German Shepherd

As long as you are keeping your limit of eggs to 4 to 7 servings a week, you should have no issues with serving your dog eggs. It is unlikely that he is going to have a reaction, but make sure you start off slow to check for any reaction or allergy your German Shepherd may have.

Once you have discerned that your dog has no tummy troubles with consuming eggs, you can begin serving them to him every day if you’d like. Here are some great choices when it comes to serving eggs to your German Shepherd:

1. Raw eggs

Yes, it’s totally safe to feed your German Shepherd an entire raw egg and let them munch on it, shell and all.

Consuming all parts of the egg completely raw will allow your dog to reap all the nutritional benefits.

However, there’s a chance of salmonella poisoning to be aware of. However, it’s unlikely your dog will have an issue with a raw egg due to the acidity of their stomachs.

2. Raw Egg + Dog Food

Simply add a raw egg to their food.

By tossing in a raw egg to their regular meal, they will get a hearty dose of vitamins and minerals without even realizing it.

This is a good way to transition a German Shepherd into eating human food, or getting him used to eggs if he isn’t sure about them yet.

3. Cooked Eggs

It’s true that the egg loses some of the vitamins and minerals when it’s cooked, but it reduces the chance of salmonella poisoning and is also convenient for those who enjoy eggs in the morning.

You can hard boil, scramble, or make an omelet and serve it to your German Shepherd; just make sure that there are no extra spices and seasonings, as this can cause tummy distress for your canine. 

How to Make Raw Eggs Safe for Canine Consumption

After learning about all of the raw benefits (no pun intended) about raw eggs and your German Shepherd, you’re likely considering it. However, the fear of salmonella may stop a pet owner in their tracks from going through with it. So how can we actually make raw egg consumption safer for our pets?

Here are a few simple steps you can take to reduce the chances of salmonella poisoning while serving raw eggs:

  • Thoroughly wash your eggs before serving them to your German Shepherd. This can wash off potentially harmful bacteria that may be on the shell of the egg.
  • Keep eggs refrigerated at all times. Eggs that are left out can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria, which means you will be increasing the chances of potential poisoning.
  • Feed organic eggs to your dog. These eggs are from chickens who are healthiest and fed certain foods, reducing the amount of potential salmonella poisoning chances.
  • Feed pasteurized eggs. Pasteurized eggs have been specifically heated to salmonella, which means they are far safer to feed your German Shepherd raw.

You can also cook eggs while still allowing for the yolk to be raw.

This is done by adding about two tablespoons of water to a bowl, cracking an egg into the bowl, and microwaving for 30 seconds.

Can German Shepherds Eat Eggs Raw Every Day?

No. Always keep in mind that raw eggs should not be fed to your German Shepherd on a very regular basis.

Prolonged consumption of raw eggs by your German Shepherd can actually cause a biotin deficiency, which means he won’t absorb the vitamin B complex that provides healthy skin and cells, digestion, and metabolism to your German Shepherd.

That being said, it’s important to limit raw egg consumption to once or twice a week. All other times the eggs should be cooked.

Related Questions

Can German Shepherds eat scrambled eggs every day?

It’s true that your dog can consume scrambled eggs every day, but there are far better options for serving eggs that allow for more nutrients. Scrambled eggs mean the eggs are cooked, which reduces overall nutrients, and usually requires butter or oil in order to create. Instead, serving hard-boiled or raw eggs is a better, more nutrient-dense option.

Is it OK to give my German Shepherd dog an egg every day?

You can serve your German Shepherd an egg every day, as long as he doesn’t have any stomach distress by doing so. It’s recommended to stick to 4 to 7 eggs a week for a German Shepherd. Switch it up, and don’t solely offer raw eggs. Hard-boiled, scrambled, and omelets are all great options. Eggs can also be used as treats in place of other, less nutrient-rich foods.

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